Vim3l prebuilt android image issues

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?


Which version of system do you use? Please provide the version of the system here:

the prebuilt vim3l-android-11-32bit-v241024.img.xz

Please describe your issue below:

As I am lacking a proper HDMI cable, I can’t connect display to VIM3L device yet. Also I don;t have a usb-to-serial convert at hand so I have no console access yet. The only connection I have to VIM3L device is the type-C cable. Though which I can flash OS images after entering the upgrade mode (by triple clicking the function button).

I flashed above android 11 image for the first time and it boots up with adb interface, I can use adb to access the device. Later I also flashed ubuntu image but as it doesn’t have adb access, I cannot use it before have a HDMI cable. So I decided to flash android back as at least I can use adb with it.

However, after flashing android 11 back, I couldn’t see adb interface.

I am wondering before I have HDMI cable or USB to serial converter, what I can do to find out the root cause?

Post a console log of your issue below:

My flashing log comes here:

$ burn-tool -v aml -b VIM3 -i ~/Downloads/vim3l-android-11-32bit-v241024.img
Try to burn Amlogic image...
Burning image '/home/yf/Downloads/vim3l-android-11-32bit-v241024.img' for 'VIM3/VIM3L' to eMMC...
Unpacking image [OK]
Initializing ddr ........[OK]
Running u-boot ........[OK]
Create partitions [OK]
Writing device tree [OK]
Writing bootloader [OK]
Wiping  data partition [OK]
Wiping  cache partition [OK]
Writing boot partition [OK]
Writing dtbo partition [OK]
Writing logo partition [OK]
Writing odm_ext partition [OK]
Writing oem partition [OK]
Writing recovery partition [OK]
Writing super partition [OK]
Writing vbmeta partition [OK]
Do you want to reset the board? y/n [n]? y
Resetting board [OK]
Time elapsed: 7 minute(s).

Finally I connected a 1440x900 HDMI display and got the following picture on the display.

My vim3l was animating these icons forever and I gave up waiting after two hours.

I then grabbed the vim3l-android-9-32bit-v231122.img.xz and got adb access to it. but the HDMI display just shows a gray rectangle as below:

I am wondering if not all android images in download page are for vim3l+HDMI use case?

We haven’t added this special HDMI resolution yet

Did you successfully burn Android 9 using Ubuntu

Finally I burned vim3l-android-9-64bit-v231122.img and booted it with a TV display, it basically works.

did you mean that 1440x900 HDMI resolution is not supported by all prebuilt android images?

later I will try to run android 11 with the HDMI TV display.

Yes, this belongs to a special resolution

Thanks, I tried android 11 32bit image again with TV display. It started with the bubble animated icons, then changed to word android, then the display signal lost. Maybe something is still not right.