VIM3L (HTPC kit) CoreELEC Matrix

This thread is a bit old, but it is the only one that I have found on VIM3L and upgrading CoreELEC. Does anyone know what the status is on using the latest Matrix 19.2 RC3 build on the VIM3L? I can find no confirmation on their forum either.

u can try write it via Krescue

That worked great—thanks! Will I need to do this for future updates, or can I use the official CoreELEC methods?

I recently bought a VIM3L HTPC to use with my new projector.
I noticed the Coreelec 19.2 Matrix has been released yesterday. An RC2 was available on the download site a while ago.
When do you think the final version will be available from Khadas?


tnx for notification ! i will update image tomorrow !


I am still very new will all this.
Would it be possible to update it directly from coreelec?
Will I need to use Krescue and upload the new image myself?

why not try !!???

Menu → CoreElec > Updates > Automatic Updates = manual

  • Update Channel CoreELEC-19
  • Available Versions > …
  • Update to … Now

PS: CoreElec images updated:

Thanks @hyphop

Like I mentioned yesterday, I’m just starting to navigate through coreelec.
What you just described was my expectation. As I read many different threads I wanted to be sure which was would be best in advance.
Now, I just tried the update. Sadly at startup it is now stuck with the message saying

Could not mount LABEL=CE_FLASH

Will use your other post to fix that with krescue now.
Not sure I have another way to go back to coreelec.

Strange update works for me ! make update from rc2 to rc3 to 19.2 without problem

Maybe something different when coming from 9.2.8?

I assume I can use krescue to start from zero and install the 19.2. I am currently preparing for that

yes i think ! u must check coreelec forum or other sources for details about updates !

All good after doing it using Krescue.

Thanks for the help and hard work on this :slight_smile:

Тhe only one OS currently supported today is CoreELEC (GitHub has a stable version 19.5-Matrix_rc2). I can not find information about support for Khadas (there is no option specifically for Khadas iso, but there is a universal iso CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix_rc2-Generic.img.gz or CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix_rc2.tar ). Can someone check which image is possible to install? Now I have an old version of Android TV (superceleron no longer supports it and I don’t like it), how can I remove Android TV and install Coreelec (last version)? Thanks guys! :slightly_smiling_face:

Official GitHub CoreELEC Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix_rc2 runs on VIM3L (HTPC kit).

I use it myself on the HTPC kit. I like it. It runs from EMMC.

However I remember switching from Khadas CoreELEC to Official GitHub CoreELEC was not entirely trivial. As far as I remember I first needed to install a specific Android on the box and then follow the Official CoreELEC install instructions.

After that, Official CoreELEC updates went fine.

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@hyphop сan you update the installation image ( CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix don’t have Vim3L version on your site) and installation instructions for Vim3L? Is it possible to install Coreelec if Android TV is installed? Or what version of Android (not TV. The version from superceleron does not support flashing SD cards, and I did not check through Emmc variant on PC) is needed to install Coreelec?

i will check it next week

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how are you? did you manage to test CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix?

i will check it today

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CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix_rc2 added to oowow os images catalog:

NOTE: install via OOWOW [Khadas Docs] wizard

welcome to testing CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.5-Matrix_rc2