VIM3 yolov3 convert issue

@Frank Please can you tell me what does the above output mean? Why is there an output failed!?

@suixing I think it doesn’t matter whether the batch here is 1 or 64. The cfg is quoted here to load the parameters of each layer inside.

@Akkisony I think there is a input error, not a output error. Which parameter you use when you quant model ?

@Frank Please find the screnshot below.
Note that I have changed the parameter to:

-s 0.003922, 0.003922, 0.003922

The Image I attached is not updated with new parameters. Other parameters all remain the same as per the khadas documentation.

Hi AkkiSony,
This is an activity print when tengine was first loaded. This error print means the heartbeat activity failed.

@alcohol Thank you for replying. Thank you please tell me what does activity heart beat fail mean? Please give a brief explanation. And how do I overcome it?

Hi AkkiSony,
The heartbeat activity is used to repport an heartbeat to Tengine activity server, the lib will report an anonymous activity like some android development kit does. If user’s sbc is not allown to connecting to the internet, this fail print will be shown.
if you dislike these as me(a tengine developer), a clean build without heartbeat activity module can be cloned from tengine github.


@alcohol Thank you very much for your explanation! :slight_smile: I was just worried if that has to do something with the output and if it effects the output.

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@alcohol @Frank As I see in the output, the inference time for yolov3 is approx 78ms. Does this also include, loading the image or just the object detection time?

Hello, when I continue the conversion, after modifying the corresponding script and executing the corresponding script file, the situation in screenshot 1 finally appears, do you know why? Also, as shown in Figure 2, the generated folder is nbg_unify_, not nbg_unify_yolov3 as described in the tutorial. Finally, as shown in Figure 3, vnn_yolov3.h, vnn_post_process.h, vnn_pre_process.h are not generated after opening the directory nbg_unify_, and you know why?


@suixing 请把你的三个脚本的内容信息全部贴出来

Thank you!

@suixing 这里的名字,请使用NAME=yolov3而不是NAME=mobilenet_tf --> NAME=yolov3

OK, I’ll change the script and convert it again.

This time, nbg_ unify_ yolov3 was successfully generated, but at the end of the conversion, there is still a screenshot in which lib cannot be deleted. Does this have an impact?

At the same time, when compiling, I use vim3_ Ubuntu-gnome-focal_ Linux-4.9_ arm64_ EMMC_ V0.9-20200530, is it OK?


After burn, you need to upgrade to least OTA version

You can check it in source code. It’s open source

Hello, after I finished the model conversion and compilation, when I recognized my own picture on the vim3 development board, the following error occurred. I want to ask why?

@suixing You can run ‘./detect_demo_x11 -h’, the format is change