VIM3 Stable Firmware

Which android pie firmware is stable for VIM3???

you can download here

Thank You.
And stable gnome ubuntu emmc for VIM3?


I saw this but for emmc there is not any gnome ubuntu build. Is there?

@Parth_Prajapati Have you checked the documentation carefully?

Thank You.
Will try one of those firmware.

I want to install the most recent and ‘quite’ stable version of Ubuntu focal in Vim3.

Do you recommend the kernel 5.12, v1.0.5 from 210430 (5 months old) or the kernel 4.9, v1.0.7 from 210625 (3 months old)?

Why is there not a v1.0.7 version of the kernel 5.12?

Also, I see that github has new commits since then in the repository, but not new images built.

@bizcocho85 You can build with fenix. If you need a 1.0.7 version of the 5.12

Thank you. Another question. Why the env/ has a restriction regarding mainline (linux or uboot) and EMMC?

Would not be possible to build an EMMC image for 5.14 v1.0.7 Ubuntu Focal for Vim3? Yesterday I built VIM3_Ubuntu-gnome-focal_Linux-5.14_arm64_SD-USB_V1.0.7-210917-develop.img, but now I want the EMMC version.

I commented these three lines and added this echo as a comment.

function choose_install_type() {
        echo_ "Choose install type:"
        # FIXME
        if [ "$UBOOT" == "mainline" -o "$LINUX" == "mainline" ]; then
                # INSTALL_TYPE_ARRAY=("SD-USB")
                # INSTALL_TYPE_ARRAY_DESC=("Image For Writing to SD/USB Storage")
                echo "Modified mainline restriction for EMMC"
       # ...

Is it ok?

@bizcocho85 This is because the firmware booted from emmc cannot be built from the mainline, which involves a lot of amlogic patches. But you can start from the SD card and run emmc-install to install the firmware to emmc

I flashed Ubuntu into VIM3 and it is asking for Password.
Why it is asking for password?
And what is the password?

I think it’s mentioned in the relevant threads

  • User: khadas
  • Password: khadas

@Parth_Prajapati User: khadas paassword: khadas