VIM3 Questions OS/ Modules, Raspberry Pi?

i can assure anyone, even with emmc stock image/ts050 supported, I have no problems controlling up to 3 printers I’ve tried, this 1 under load during print… he needs to ditch octoprint, and use either mainsail or fluid, klipper screen, webcam, printing average 100- 300mm/s on my dialled profile

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with any of the other Octopi alternatives mentioned and if I’m not mistaken, Klipper is the OS running on the 3d printer, all mine run Marlin2.x which I would prefer to not change. While I do have a bare SKR e3 v3 mini awaiting an install into a SOVOL SV01, I haven’t had a chance to get there yet.

While I will definitely look up the others you mentioned I would quickly ask if they are Octopi alternatives or 3D printer OS systems like Marlin would be? I guess I am way to used to having hardware with much higher Ram availability which I get the feeling isn’t really needed for such systems to run anymore. All my Pis are 8GB ram and I worry that even 4 let alone 2 would just not be enough, though it would seem this is more of a comfort zone thing for me rather than any true requirement of the apps I’m running.

I may give this board another try in the future when money is available, it’s just to when I bought this board it’s wording made me believe that while it had 2GB ram it could be upgraded which it cant hence my return of the board.

As getting Raspberries are still a major issue I am going to have to rethink my true requirements vs my perceived requirements.

While it’s clear you are a fan of OctoPi, I’ve yet to find a suitable replacement, perhaps the ones you mentioned are just that rather then just the printers OS like Klipper / Marlin which are both Rep Rap printer OS types.

I greatly appreciate the additional feedback. This is why I started this thread to begin with as, while I consider myself an expert in many areas, 3D printing and related software I am not. I’m still learning and such feedback is invaluable to me and hopefully to others as well.


they are web based gui, so websites used to control klipper im not 100% if at all sure thery would connect to marlin? maybe a quick google search on your part, none the less install unbuntu if you have the ts050 screen then you maybe able to use that with octopi, which runs fantastic via the khadas vim’s i have used it on all vim-1to3 its hungry so worst case a big of a systems hob but definatly runs smooth and in my honest opinion. runs better on average than on the pi, i have vim3 basic, have all 3 installed, fluid(prefered) mainsail and octopi, all work just as well if not for me a little better than the rpi, the khadas vims are fantastic replacement in my eyes…

May i ask why you would prefer to stick to marlin?
i was a die hard fan, but slugged it out and converted 2 tronxy core xy x5sa to klipper and the control, print quality and over all goodness for me, then made me swap an heavily modified anet e-12 and a few friends over to klipper, it may seem daunting but its leaps and bounds faster and better tham marlin, if a little learning curve from marlin.

but in short just install and flavour of linux using an image or self sourced version and install octoprint.
should work fine, once installed via desktop save on resources by deleting the desktop gui, easy enough.

klipper goes on main board, is built via the vim in kiahu.
upload to skr e3
there’s a million printer configs out there, loads of fb groups available, i did not get on with octoprint personally, you always leave android alone and instal OCTA4A octoprint for android and i beat it would also run perfectly fine, i tried it on an old galaxy note 8 and an old android head unit for a car, ran absolutely fine on bith so my guess the vim would it eat it nicely