VIM3 perpetual reboot

Do you have a standard HDMI monitor connected?

This is concerning, it should be present.

Did you buy the board new and was it working for a while then stopped working?

no, I don’t have an html connected

It was working for a while, then I was trying to do frame injection, it crashed. I was still able to boot it up from SD, but not from emmc. After I did the emmc wipe I think I cannot boot from neither.

Is it because I erased the emmc full? I can still access emmc from krescue, is there a boot.ini somewhere I can manually load into emmc?

It looks like a software issue.

It seems to have been initialized.

Have you tried to install Uboot using krescue then install OS?

Yes I did, I think the log was the same as that from using the wizard. Give me a sec, will do it again and give you the log

Yes the log is the same as the from the wizard. see below

Also, since I wipted emmc using krescue, I am not able to connect to ethernet in krescue anymore, would you pehaps know the reason?

|  _ \ ___| |__   ___   ___ | |_
| |_) / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __|
|  _ <  __/ |_) | (_) | (_) | |_
|_| \_\___|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|

root@Krescue:/# [  176.243659] reboot: Restarting system
bl31 reboot reason: 0xd
bl31 reboot reason: 0x0
system cmd  1.
bl2_stage_init 0x81
hw id: 0x0000 - pwm id 0x01
bl2_stage_init 0xc1
bl2_stage_init 0x02


TE: 80657

BL2 Built : 15:22:05, Aug 28 2019. g12b g1bf2b53 - luan.yuan@droid15-sz

Board ID = 8
Set A53 clk to 24M
Set A73 clk to 24M
Set clk81 to 24M
A53 clk: 1200 MHz
A73 clk: 1200 MHz
CLK81: 166.6M
smccc: 00018297
eMMC boot @ 0
sw8 s
DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_18 build time: Aug 28 2019 15:22:01
board id: 8
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
fw parse done
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00060200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00038200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
PIEI prepare done
fastboot data load
emmc switch 1 ok
ddr saved addr:00016000
Load ddr parameter from eMMC, src: 0x02c00000, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00001000, part: 0
emmc switch 0 ok
fastboot data verify
verify result: 267
Cfg max: 4, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
ddr clk to 1608MHz
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x0003c200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0

dmc_version 0001
Check phy result
INFO : ERROR : Training has failed!
1D training failed
Cfg max: 4, cur: 2. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
ddr clk to 1608MHz
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x0003c200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0

dmc_version 0001
Check phy result
INFO : End of CA training
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read enable training
INFO : End of fine write leveling
INFO : End of Write leveling coarse delay
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read dq deskew training
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization
INFO : End of write delay center optimization
INFO : End of read delay center optimization
INFO : End of max read latency training
INFO : Training has run successfully!
1D training succeed
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00048200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x0000c000, part: 0
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : Training has run successfully!

RxClkDly_Margin_A0==77 ps 8
TxDqDly_Margin_A0==106 ps 11
RxClkDly_Margin_A1==0 ps 0
TxDqDly_Margin_A1==0 ps 0

RxClkDly_Margin_A0==97 ps 10
TxDqDly_Margin_A0==106 ps 11
RxClkDly_Margin_A1==0 ps 0
TxDqDly_Margin_A1==0 ps 0


soc_vref_reg_value 0x 00000026 00000025 00000026 00000026 00000027 00000027 00000025 00000026 00000025 00000022 00000025 00000024 00000026 00000027 00000024 00000024 00000023 00000024 00000025 00000023 00000024 00000024 00000023 00000025 00000025 00000025 00000024 00000024 00000024 00000024 00000025 00000026 dram_vref_reg_value 0x 00000014
2D training succeed
aml_ddr_fw_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_18 build time: Aug 28 2019 13:54:19
auto size-- 65535DDR cs0 size: 2048MB
DDR cs1 size: 0MB
DMC_DDR_CTRL: 00c0002cDDR size: 2048MB
cs0 DataBus test pass
cs0 AddrBus test pass

100bdlr_step_size ps== 403
result report
boot times 0Enable ddr reg access
emmc switch 3 ok
Authentication key not yet programmed
get rpmb counter error 0x00000007
emmc switch 0 ok
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01700000, size: 0x00004000, part: 0
Load BL3X from eMMC, src: 0x00078200, des: 0x01768000, size: 0x000d0000, part: 0
0.0;M3 CHK:0;cm4_sp_mode 0
[Image: g12b_v1.1.3390-6ac5299 2019-09-26 14:10:05 luan.yuan@droid15-sz]
ring efuse init
chipver efuse init
29 0b 10 00 01 1a 03 00 00 0a 35 38 47 47 52 50
[0.884545 Inits done]
secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
run into bl31
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):4fc40b1
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 15:58:17, May 22 2019
NOTICE:  BL31: G12A normal boot!
NOTICE:  BL31: BL33 decompress pass
ERROR:   Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast

U-Boot 2015.01 (Apr 29 2022 - 21:51:49)

DRAM:  2 GiB
Relocation Offset is: 76e42000
spi_post_bind(spifc): req_seq = 0
register usb cfg[0][1] = 0000000077f39210
aml_i2c_init_port init regs for 0
MCU version: 0x00 0x03
MCU version is to low! Doesn't support froce boot from SD card.
MMC:   aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e32a70
aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e34db0
SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x3ff2800
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x3ff2800
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x1, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
aml_sd_retry_refix[983]:delay = 0x0,gadjust =0x2000
[mmc_startup] mmc refix success
init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS
[mmc_init] mmc init success
start dts,buffer=0000000073e37620,dt_addr=0000000073e37620
check_valid_dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
get_partition_from_dts() 91: ret -9
get_partition_from_dts() 94: ret -9
get_ptbl_from_dtb()-272: get partition table from dts faild
mmc_device_init()-1254: get partition table from dtb failed
get_ptbl_rsv()-494: magic faild MPT,
mmc_device_init()-1281: dtb&rsv are not exist, no LPT source
get partition info failed !!
Using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
[store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]
_verify_dtb_checksum()-3477: calc a7978dce, store 5011944
update_dtb_info()-3585: cpy 1 is not valid
_verify_dtb_checksum()-3477: calc 96e51623, store 60f81f
update_dtb_info()-3585: cpy 0 is not valid
dtb_read()-3694: total valid 0
emmc - EMMC sub system

emmc dtb_read addr size
emmc dtb_write addr size
emmc erase dtb
emmc erase key
emmc fastboot_read addr size
emmc fastboot_write addr size

aml_i2c_init_port init regs for 0
fusb302_init: Device ID: 0x91
CC connected in 0 as UFP
fusb302 detect chip.port_num = 0
[KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt at 0x0000000001000000
vpu: error: vpu: check dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC, load default parameters
vpu: clk_level = 7
vpu: vpu_power_on
vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666666667Hz(0x100)
vpu: vpu_module_init_config
vpp: vpp_init
vpp: vpp osd2 matrix rgb2yuv..............
cvbs: cpuid:0x29
lcd: error: check dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC, load default lcd parameters
lcd: detect mode: tablet, key_valid: 0
lcd: load config from bsp
lcd: use panel_type=lcd_0
lcd: bl: name: lcd_0, method: 1
lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 0
Net:   [KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_get_key_device]L100:/unify not parsed yet!
[KM]Error:f[_get_km_ops_by_name]L248:key eth_exphy_para not know device 4
[KM]Error:f[key_unify_read]L312:key[eth_exphy_para] no cfg in dts
dwmac.ff3f0000 Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete.... done
The Best Window is index 40
[KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_get_key_device]L100:/unify not parsed yet!
[KM]Error:f[_get_km_ops_by_name]L248:key eth_exphy_para not know device 4
[KM]Error:f[key_unify_write]L279:key[eth_exphy_para] no cfg in dts
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
No FDT memory address configured. Please configure
the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command.
dwmac.ff3f0000[KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt at 0x0000000001000000

reboot_mode:::: cold_boot
[KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt at 0x0000000001000000
edid preferred_mode is <NULL>[0]
hdr mode is 0
dv  mode is ver:0  len: 0
hdr10+ mode is 0
HDMI cable is NOT connected
[OSD]check dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC, load default fb_addr parameters
[OSD]set initrd_high: 0x3d800000
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x3d800000
[OSD]check dts: FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC, load default fb_addr parameters
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x3d800000
[CANVAS]canvas init
[CANVAS]addr=0x3d800000 width=5760, height=2160
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
1080138 bytes read in 47 ms (21.9 MiB/s)
[OSD]osd_hw.free_dst_data: 0,767,0,1023
cvbs: outputmode[panel] is invalid
hdmitx: outputmode[panel] is invalid
vpp: vpp_matrix_update: 0
vpp: g12a/b post2(bit12) matrix: YUV limit -> RGB ..............
lcd: enable: lcd_0, mipi, 768x1024@60.0Hz
lcd: tablet driver init(ver 20180718): mipi
lcd: lcd_pll_wait_lock: pll_lock=1, wait_loop=1
vpp: vpp_init_lcd_gamma_table
lcd: pixel_clk = 64.843MHz, bit_rate = 518.744MHz, lanebyteclk = 64.843MHz
lcd:  Waiting STOP STATE LANE
lcd: dsi init on
lcd: bl: set level: 100, last level: 0
lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 1
lcd: clear mute
vpp: Rx hdr_info.hdr_sup_eotf_smpte_st_2084 = 0
[KM]Error:f[keymanage_dts_parse]L307:not a fdt at 0x0000000001000000
gpio: pin GPIOAO_7 (gpio 7) value is 1
saradc: 0x28d, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)
Product checking: pass! Hardware version: VIM3.V12
normal power on
boot wol: disable
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
port mode is usb3.0
No FDT memory address configured. Please configure
the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command.
No FDT memory address configured. Please configure
the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command.
Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- :  0
pll tsensor avg: 0x20ef, u_efuse: 0x8180
temp1: 40
ddr tsensor avg: 0x2117, u_efuse: 0x8132
temp2: 43
device cool done
cfgload: start ...
cfgload: reading /boot.ini from mmc 0:1 ...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
cfgload: no /boot.ini or empty file on mmc 0:1
cfgload: reading /boot/boot.ini from mmc 0:1 ...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
cfgload: no /boot/boot.ini or empty file on mmc 0:1
cfgload: reading /boot.ini from mmc 1:1 ...
reading /boot.ini
10145 bytes read in 3 ms (3.2 MiB/s)
cfgload: applying boot.ini...
[#] Script a:73e548b0 l:10125 c:0 s:0 - run
Starting boot.ini...
saradc: 0x28d, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)

mac address: 
uboot type: vendor
Scanning mmc 0:1...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
Scanning mmc 0:5...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
Scanning mmc 1:1...
reading uInitrd
emmckey_is_access_range_legal, keys 73760, keye 74271, start 66088, blkcnt 20948
Emmckey: Access range is illegal!
Error reading cluster
** Unable to read file uInitrd **
Scanning mmc 1:5...
** Invalid partition 5 **
Scanning mmc 2:1...
MMC Device 2 not found
** Bad device mmc 2 **
Scanning mmc 2:5...
MMC Device 2 not found
** Bad device mmc 2 **
Scanning usb 0:1...
** Bad device usb 0 **
Scanning usb 1:1...
** Bad device usb 1 **
Scanning usb 2:1...
** Bad device usb 2 **
Scanning usb 3:1...
** Bad device usb 3 **
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
reading s905_autoscript
10463 bytes read in 3 ms (3.3 MiB/s)
## Executing script at 01020000
Starting S905 autoscript...
saradc: 0x28c, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)

mac address: 
uboot type: vendor
Scanning mmc 0:1...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
Scanning mmc 0:5...
card out
** Bad device mmc 0 **
Scanning mmc 1:1...
reading uInitrd
emmckey_is_access_range_legal, keys 73760, keye 74271, start 66088, blkcnt 20948
Emmckey: Access range is illegal!
Error reading cluster
** Unable to read file uInitrd **
Scanning mmc 1:5...
** Invalid partition 5 **
Scanning mmc 2:1...
MMC Device 2 not found
** Bad device mmc 2 **
Scanning mmc 2:5...
MMC Device 2 not found
** Bad device mmc 2 **
Scanning usb 0:1...
** Bad device usb 0 **
Scanning usb 1:1...
** Bad device usb 1 **
Scanning usb 2:1...
** Bad device usb 2 **
Scanning usb 3:1...
** Bad device usb 3 **
** Invalid partition 5 **
** Invalid partition 5 **
** Invalid partition 5 **
[rsvmem] get fdtaddr NULL!
rsvmem - reserve memory

rsvmem check                   - check reserved memory
rsvmem dump                    - dump reserved memory

rsvmem check failed
Bad Linux ARM64 Image magic!
reading aml_autoscript
868 bytes read in 3 ms (282.2 KiB/s)
## Executing script at 01080000
Saving Environment to aml-storage...
get partition info failed !!
reboot use default mode: normal
bl31 reboot reason: 0xd
bl31 reboot reason: 0x1
system cmd  1.

I have a VIM3 at home that is not being used and will look into this after I get home this evening.

1 Like

@foxsquirrel could you perhaps send your full log on normal boot up here? so I can compare and see what errors are the cause for the shutdown.

@numbqq Looking into the partition of emmc, I thinkg the only part I haven’t touched is the RPMB area. Is there something essential that is needed during boot?
There is an error [KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L515:key[usid] not programed yet that seems to be related to that

fred@vim3x:~$ cat boot1.txt

bl2_stage_init 0x81
hw id: 0x0000 - pwm id 0x01
bl2_stage_init 0xc1
bl2_stage_init 0x02


TE: 198220                                                                      
BL2 Built : 19:23:21, Sep 18 2020. g12b g9fde858 - gongwei.chen@droid11-sz      
Board ID = 8                                                                    
Set A53 clk to 24M                                                              
Set A73 clk to 24M                                                              
Set clk81 to 24M                                                                
A53 clk: 1200 MHz                                                               
A73 clk: 1200 MHz                                                               
CLK81: 166.6M                                                                   
smccc: 00034f30                                                                 
eMMC boot @ 0                                                                   
sw8 s                                                                           
board id: 8                                                                     
Load FIP HDR DDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00004000,0
Get wrong ddr fw magic! Error!!                                                 
fw parse done                                                                   
PIEI prepare done                                                               
emmc switch 1 ok                                                                
ddr saved addr:00016000                                                         
Load ddr parameter from eMMC, src: 0x02c00000, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00001000
emmc switch 0 ok                                                                
fastboot data verify                                                            
result: 255                                                                     
Cfg max: 12, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg                              
LPDDR4 probe                                                                    
LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_22-Built : 14:57:26, Sep  1 2020. g12b g3c95fed - gongwei.chenz
ddr clk to 1608MHz                                                              
dmc_version 0001                                                                
Check phy result                                                                
INFO : End of CA training                                                       
INFO : End of initialization                                                    
INFO : Training has run successfully!                                           
Check phy result                                                                
INFO : End of initialization                                                    
INFO : End of read enable training                                              
INFO : End of fine write leveling                                               
INFO : End of read dq deskew training                                           
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization                                
INFO : End of Write leveling coarse delay                                       
INFO : End of read delay center optimization                                    
INFO : Training has run successfully!                                           
Check phy result                                                                
INFO : End of initialization                                                    
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization                                
INFO : End of write delay center optimization                                   
INFO : End of read delay center optimization                                    
INFO : End of max read latency training                                         
INFO : Training has run successfully!                                           
1D training succeed                                                             
Check phy result                                                                
INFO : End of initialization                                                    
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization                         
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization                         
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization                        
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization                        
INFO : Training has run successfully!                                           
soc_vref_reg_value 0x 0000002a 00000029 00000029 00000029 00000029 00000028 000 
 dram_vref_reg_value 0x 00000012                                                
2D training succeed                                                             
auto size-- 65535DDR cs0 size: 2048MB                                           
DDR cs1 size: 2048MB                                                            
DMC_DDR_CTRL: 00e00024DDR size: 3928MB                                          
cs0 DataBus test pass                                                           
cs1 DataBus test pass                                                           
cs0 AddrBus test pass                                                           
cs1 AddrBus test pass                                                           
non-sec scramble use zero key                                                   
ddr scramble enabled                                                            
100bdlr_step_size ps== 414                                                      
result report                                                                   
boot times 0Enable ddr reg access                                               
emmc switch 3 ok                                                                
Authentication key not yet programmed                                           
get rpmb counter error 0x00000007                                               
emmc switch 0 ok                                                                
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01700000, size: 0x00004000, par0
Load BL3X from eMMC, src: 0x00078200, des: 0x01768000, size: 0x0010ac00, part: 0
0.0;M3 CHK:0;cm4_sp_mode 0                                                      
[Image: g12b_v1.1.3396-c893a7153 2020-11-11 13:54:36 gongwei.chen@droid11-sz]   
ring efuse init                                                                 
chipver efuse init                                                              
29 0b 10 00 01 2a 14 00 00 06 39 32 34 54 31 50                                 
[0.016073 Inits done]                                                           
secure task start!                                                              
high task start!                                                                
low task start!                                                                 
run into bl31                                                                   
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):5c909a099                                          
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 17:18:21, Nov 20 2020                                    
NOTICE:  BL31: G12A normal boot!                                                
NOTICE:  BL31: BL33 decompress pass                                             
ERROR:   Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast                         
U-Boot 2015.01-g10d1af967c (Dec 20 2021 - 09:34:48)                             
DRAM:  3.8 GiB                                                                  
Relocation Offset is: d6d38000                                                  
mmu cfg end: 0xe0000000                                                         
mmu cfg end: 0xe0000000                                                         
spi_post_bind(spifc): req_seq = 0                                               
register usb cfg[0][1] = 00000000d7e826c0                                       
aml_i2c_init_port init regs for 0                                               
MCU version: 0x00 0x03                                                          
MCU version is to low! Doesn't support froce boot from SD card.                 
NAND:  get_sys_clk_rate_mtd() 292, clock setting 200!                           
bus cycle0: 6,timing: 7                                                         
NAND device id: 0 9f ff ff ff ff                                                
No NAND device found!!!                                                         
nand init failed: -6                                                            
get_sys_clk_rate_mtd() 292, clock setting 200!                                  
bus cycle0: 6,timing: 7                                                         
NAND device id: 0 9f ff ff ff ff                                                
No NAND device found!!!                                                         
nand init failed: -6                                                            
MMC:   aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x00000000d3d28a70                                  
aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x00000000d3d2adb0                                         
SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1                                                  
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, cmd->cmdarg=0x1aa, status=0x3ff2800             
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, cmd->cmdarg=0x0, status=0x3ff2800              
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x1, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000                                          
[set_emmc_calc_fixed_adj][875]find fixed adj_delay=20                           
init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML                                                  
[mmc_init] mmc init success                                                     
start dts,buffer=00000000d3d2d620,dt_addr=00000000d3d2d620                      
get_partition_from_dts() 92: ret 0                                              
parts: 17                                                                       
00:      logo   0000000000800000 1                                              
01:  recovery   0000000001800000 1                                              
02:      misc   0000000000800000 1                                              
03:      dtbo   0000000000800000 1                                              
04:  cri_data   0000000000800000 2                                              
05:     param   0000000001000000 2                                              
06:      boot   0000000001000000 1                                              
set has_boot_slot = 0                                                           
07:       rsv   0000000001000000 1                                              
08:  metadata   0000000001000000 1                                              
09:    vbmeta   0000000000200000 1                                              
10:       tee   0000000002000000 1                                              
11:    vendor   000000001c000000 1                                              
12:       odm   0000000008000000 1                                              
13:    system   0000000064000000 1                                              
14:   product   0000000008000000 1                                              
15:     cache   0000000046000000 2                                              
16:      data   ffffffffffffffff 4                                              
init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML                                                  
eMMC/TSD partition table have been checked OK!                                  
crc32_s:0x1577dad == storage crc_pattern:0x1577dad!!!                           
crc32_s:0xee152b83 == storage crc_pattern:0xee152b83!!!                         
crc32_s:0x79f50f07 == storage crc_pattern:0x79f50f07!!!                         
mmc env offset: 0x4d400000                                                      
In:    serial                                                                   
Out:   serial                                                                   
Err:   serial                                                                   
aml log : internal sys error!                                                   
[store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]                              
_verify_dtb_checksum()-3354: calc 4c78bf1f, store 4c78bf1f                      
_verify_dtb_checksum()-3354: calc 4c78bf1f, store 4c78bf1f                      
dtb_read()-3569: total valid 2                                                  
update_old_dtb()-3550: do nothing                                               
aml_i2c_init_port init regs for 0                                               
fusb302_init: Device ID: 0x91                                                   
CC connected in 0 as UFP                                                        
fusb302 detect chip.port_num = 0                                                
amlkey_init() enter!                                                            
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1                                                          
vpu: driver version: v20190313                                                  
vpu: detect chip type: 9                                                        
vpu: clk_level default: 7(666667000Hz), max: 7(666667000Hz)                     
vpu: clk_level in dts: 7                                                        
vpu: vpu_power_on                                                               
vpu: set_vpu_clk                                                                
vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666666667Hz(0x100)                         
vpu: set_vpu_clk finish                                                         
vpu: vpu_module_init_config                                                     
vpp: vpp_init                                                                   
vpp: vpp osd2 matrix rgb2yuv..............                                      
hdr_func 4, hdr_process_select 0x1                                              
cvbs: cpuid:0x29                                                                
cvbs: find performance_pal config                                               
LCD_RESET PIN: 0                                                                
lcd: lcd_debug_print flag: 0                                                    
lcd: detect mode: tablet, key_valid: 0                                          
lcd: detect lcd_clk_path: 1                                                     
lcd: failed to get lcd_cpu_gpio_names                                           
lcd: load config from dts                                                       
lcd: pinctrl_version: 2                                                         
lcd: use panel_type=lcd_1                                                       
lcd: bl: pinctrl_version: 2                                                     
lcd: bl: name: backlight_pwm, method: 1                                         
lcd: error: gpio: wrong name invalid                                            
lcd: bl: pwm_reg=0x00800002                                                     
lcd: bl: aml_bl_power_ctrl: 0                                                   
Net:   use internal ethernet                                                    
dwmac.ff3f0000amlkey_init() enter!                                              
amlkey_init() 71: already init!                                                 
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 1                                                          
MACADDR:02:00:00:14:2a:01(from chipid)    
ramdump_init, add:0, size:0                                                     
CONFIG_AVB2: null                                                               
Start read misc partition datas!                                                
info->magic =                                                                   
info->version_major = 1                                                         
info->version_minor = 0                                                         
info->slots[0].priority = 15                                                    
info->slots[0].tries_remaining = 7                                              
info->slots[0].successful_boot = 0                                              
info->slots[1].priority = 14                                                    
info->slots[1].tries_remaining = 7                                              
info->slots[1].successful_boot = 0                                              
info->crc32 = -1075449479                                                       
active slot = 0                                                                 
aml log : internal sys error!                                                   
reboot_mode:::: cold_boot                                                       
lcd: error: outputmode[576cvbs] is not support                                  
do_hpd_detect: hdmimode=1080p60hz                                               
do_hpd_detect: colorattribute=444,8bit                                          
Saving Environment to aml-storage...                                            
mmc env offset: 0x4d400000                                                      
Writing to MMC(1)... done                                                       
no sink, fallback to 720p60hz[4]                                                
hdr mode is 0                                                                   
dv  mode is ver:0  len: 0                                                       
hdr10+ mode is 0                                                                
read hdmichecksum 0x00000000, colorattribute 444,8bit                           
read hdmimode 1080p60hz, colorspace <NULL>, colordepth <NULL>                   
do_get_parse_edid: autoMode = false, manualMode=16                              
isYuv4kSink: false, maxTMDSRate=150                                             
do_get_parse_edid: non-yuv4k sink: inColorSpace: HDMI_COLOR_FORMAT_RGB          
do_get_parse_edid: default inColorDepth: HDMI_COLOR_DEPTH_24B                   
TV is same, initial mode is: 576cvbs attr: 444,8bit                             
dolby_status 0                                                                  
dolby_status 0                                                                  
dolby_vision_process: no tv and dv disabled                                     
Saving Environment to aml-storage...                                            
mmc env offset: 0x4d400000                                                      
Writing to MMC(1)... done                                                       
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb                                            
[OSD]set initrd_high: 0x7f800000                                                
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000                                               
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb                                            
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000                                               
[CANVAS]canvas init                                                             
[CANVAS]addr=0x7f800000 width=3840, height=2160                                 
[OSD]osd_hw.free_dst_data: 0,719,0,575                                          
vpp: vpp_matrix_update: 2                                                       
vpp: hdr_policy = 1                                                             
vpp: Rx hdr_info.hdr_sup_eotf_smpte_st_2084 = 0                                 
normal power on                                                                 
boot wol: disable                                                               
[reg_31] 0xd8a                                                                  
[reg_16] 0x0                                                                    
[reg_17] 0x7fff                                                                 
[reg_19] 0x0                                                                    
[reg_31] 0x0                                                                    
[reg_31] 0xd40                                                                  
[reg_22] 0x0                                                                    
[reg_31] 0x0                                                                    
saradc: 0x289, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)                                          
gpio: pin GPIOAO_7 (gpio 7) value is 1                                          
port mode is usb3.0                                                             
Command: bcb uboot-command                                                      
Start read misc partition datas!                                                
BCB hasn't any datas,exit!                                                      
Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- :  0                       
cfgload: start ...                                                              
cfgload: reading /boot.ini from mmc 0:1 ...                                     
card in                                                                         
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000                                            
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000                                          
[set_emmc_calc_fixed_adj][875]find fixed adj_delay=20                           
init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS                                                  
[mmc_init] mmc init success                                                     
reading /boot.ini                                                               
9502 bytes read in 3 ms (3 MiB/s)                                               
cfgload: applying boot.ini...                                                   
[#] Script a:d3d31000 l:9472 c:0 s:0 - run                                      
saradc: 0x289, hw_ver: 0x32 (VIM3.V12)                                          
** KRESCUE START hwver: VIM3.V12 hostname: arm_gxbb maxcpus: 6 fdt:  source: : *
[i] scan rescue device usb 0                                                    
** Bad device usb 0 **                                                          
[i] scan rescue device usb 1                                                    
** Bad device usb 1 **                                                          
[i] scan rescue device usb 2                                                    
** Bad device usb 2 **                                                          
[i] scan rescue device usb 1:5                                                  
** Bad device usb 1 **                                                          
[i] scan rescue device mmc 0                                                    
reading /rescue/80_user_env.txt                                                 
1898 bytes read in 5 ms (370.1 KiB/s)                                           
[i] rescue loading via fatload mmc 0 ...                                        
[w] detect by maxcpus -6-                                                       
**KRESCUE LOAD by fatload mmc 0 FROM // + post:  // VIM3.V12 // VIM3.V12**      
load env                                                                        
fatload mmc 0 0x32000000 /rescue/80_user_env.txt                                
reading /rescue/80_user_env.txt                                                 
1898 bytes read in 5 ms (370.1 KiB/s)                                           
env import -t 0x32000000 76a                                                    
load logo                                                                       
fatload mmc 0 0x30000000 /splash.bmp                                            
reading /splash.bmp                                                             
7660 bytes read in 4 ms (1.8 MiB/s)                                             
There is no valid bmp file at the given address                                 
BMP KO                                                                          
fatload mmc 0 0x30000000 /rescue/splash.bmp.2.gz                                
reading /rescue/splash.bmp.2.gz                                                 
** Unable to read file /rescue/splash.bmp.2.gz **                               
unzip 0x30000000 0x7f800000                                                     
Uncompressed size: 518454 = 0x7E936                                             
KRESCUE_TIME: 1641796810                                                        
KRESCUE_DATE: Mon Jan 10 06:40:10 2022                                          
KRESCUE_VER : 220110_266                                                        
addrs:  UIMAGE_ADDR ::  UINITRD_ADDR ::  DTB_ADDR                               
addrs: 0x1080000 :: 0x8000000 :: 0x1000000                                      
setenv kernel_addr_r ; setenv ramdisk_addr_r ; setenv fdt_addr_r ;              
load dtb                                                                        
fatload mmc 0 0x1000000 /rescue/fdt.kresq/amlogic/meson-g12b-a311d-khadas-vim3.b
reading /rescue/fdt.kresq/amlogic/meson-g12b-a311d-khadas-vim3.dtb              
76986 bytes read in 13 ms (5.6 MiB/s)                                           
libfdt fdt_path_offset() returned FDT_ERR_BADPATH                               
port mode is usb3.0                                                             
** port mode is 0 **                                                            
load packed initrd                                                              
fatload mmc 0 0x8000000 /rescue/uInitrd                                         
reading /rescue/uInitrd                                                         
9155280 bytes read in 499 ms (17.5 MiB/s)                                       
libfdt fdt_path_offset() returned FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND                              
[i] bootargs: rw panic=10 net.ifnames=0 loglevel=4 fbcon=font:TER16x32 video=HD 
[i] bootcmd:  run storeboot                                                     
load packed kernel                                                              
bootm 0x1080000 0x8000000 0x1000000                                             
fatload mmc 0 0x1080000 /rescue/uImage                                          
reading /rescue/uImage                                                          
6547474 bytes read in 357 ms (17.5 MiB/s)                                       
avb2: 0                                                                         
ee_gate_off ...                                                                 
avb2: 0                                                                         
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 01080000 ...                             
   Image Name:   kernel                                                         
   Image Type:   AArch64 Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)                   
   Data Size:    6547410 Bytes = 6.2 MiB                                        
   Load Address: 0d080000                                                       
   Entry Point:  0d080000                                                       
   Verifying Checksum ... OK                                                    
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 08000000 ...                       
   Image Name:   uInitrd                                                        
   Image Type:   AArch64 Linux RAMDisk Image (uncompressed)                     
   Data Size:    9155216 Bytes = 8.7 MiB                                        
   Load Address: 00000000                                                       
   Entry Point:  00000000                                                       
   Verifying Checksum ... OK                                                    
[store]Is good fdt check header, no need decrypt!                               
active_slot is normal                                                           
load dtb from 0x1000000 ......                                                  
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 01000000                                       
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x1000000                                      
find 1 dtbos                                                                    
No androidboot.dtbo_idx configured                                              
And no dtbos will be applied                                                    
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK                                            
   kernel loaded at 0x0d080000, end = 0x0e09ba00                                
libfdt fdt_path_offset() returned FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND                              
[rsvmem] fdt get prop fail.                                                     
   Loading Ramdisk to 7ef44000, end 7f7ff290 ... OK                             
   Loading Device Tree to 000000001ffea000, end 000000001ffffd6f ... OK         
fdt_fixup_memory_banks, reg:000000001fff6378                                    
DTS already have 'reg' property                                                 
Starting kernel ...                                                             
uboot time: 4383005 us                                                          
[i] INITRD INIT :: UPTIME: 1.79 9.01 Linux (none) 5.14.0-rc5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wedx
[i] init display                                                                
failed to find a module named meson_ee_pwrc                                     
failed to find a module named meson_dw_hdmi                                     
    link/ether 02:00:00:14:2a:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff                          
BusyBox v1.30.1 () built-in shell (ash)                                         
# Krescue                                                                       
     __ _____  Khadas ## hyphop ##                                              
    / //_/ _ \___ ___ ______ _____                                              
   / ,< / , _/ -_|_-</ __/ // / -_)                                             
 extreme tiny and fast rescue system                                            
BUILD: 220110_266 from: Mon Jan 10 06:40:10 2022                                
[i] POST_CONFIG: kresq_type=sd + booted= + || start: /dev/mmcblk0               
[i] Device: VIM3 Amlogic:G12B ver:0x0003 6 cores 2G ram 29.1 G eMMC             
[w] root password undefined                                                     
[i] just type > krescue < to start gui                                          

Had to paste it in 2 parts due to limitations.

I have a new VIM3 and it will not get an internet connection with krescue. It gets and IP assigned but it will not connect.

Not sure what is up with that.

yeah I don’t have ethernet access when booted with krescue as well. it’s strange.

Thank you, will dive into it to see what was the problem. You do have a boot.init in emmc, which is good.

I am wondering, is it this image you burnt into your emmc? and what version is your arm burn tool?

No, its the Krescue image that I burned with Pi Imager. At one time it did work fine, pretty sure I clicked on upgrade a while back. I don’t use the download anymore so it was not noticed.

My K is showing an IP of 172.* not sure where that came from.

All the SD cards and USB drives / NVMe drives are burned with Pi Imager.

Krescue to burn into emmc

It will even connect wifi and get an IP assigned, turned off wifi to eliminate a mac conflict. Even turned off the security settings in K and that did not help.

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Have you been able to find the Krescue tree? What I cloned from github did not have any of the good stuff.

Just built an image with fenix, vim3, mainline 20.04 and loaded it with Krescue and the internet works fine.

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No I have not, what is that for

@foxsquirel, thanks a lot for your help. I managed the get it booted finally last night. It was a problem from the power afterall, at last I used my desktop to power the device and it worked fine.