Which Khadas SBC do you use?
VIM3 Pro
Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?
Android 9(P) 64bit, v230408
Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?
Khadas official / vim3-android-9-64bit-v230408.img
Please describe your issue below:
Hello, I want to use VIM3’s NPU on Android env.
I read the docs about running Android NPU demo app.
So I installed the demo app v1.1.
But, whatever I model clicked(yolov3, v2, …), it only shows the camera screen and nothing is recognized.
And the logcat via adb says,
linker : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE “/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1-service-ovx-driver”: library “libstdc++.so” not found
- Why does the official image not included NPU driver’s dependencies?
- How should I solve it?