Vim3 does not boot

I’m using VIM3 on eMMC

################ GIT VERSION ################

my OS image (vim3-ubuntu-24.04-server-linux-5.15-fenix-1.6.9-240618-emmc.img.xz):

Vim3 does not boot to OS after normal manual reboot.

In console LOG I see the error:

Retrieving file: /initrd.img
emmckey_is_access_range_legal, keys 73760, keye 74785, start 48896, blkcnt 53964
Emmckey: Access range is illegal!
 ** ext4fs_devread read error - block
Skipping Default for failure retrieving initrd
SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...

I try to boot the system manually from u-boot and try to load initrd:

kvim3#ext4load mmc 1:1 10000000 initrd.img
emmckey_is_access_range_legal, keys 73760, keye 74785, start 48896, blkcnt 53964
Emmckey: Access range is illegal!
** ext4fs_devread read error - block

the same error.

Also I have try to load dtb.img - it has loaded OK!:

kvim3#ext4load mmc 1:1 20000000 dtb.img
108261 bytes read in 19 ms (5.4 MiB/s)

In kresque system I have checked my emmc partitions by fsck - ALL OK.
Root and boot partition mounted successfully, and I can copy files to SD card, for example.

Is this the hardware problem (emmc is damaged) or software (u-boot for example)?

Also I have attached SD card with initrd.img and successfully load the file:

kvim3#ext4load mmc 0:1 10000000 initrd.img
27629946 bytes read in 1525 ms (17.3 MiB/s)

and kernel from emmc:

kvim3#ext4load mmc 1:1 1080000 Image
34941440 bytes read in 972 ms (34.3 MiB/s)

and try to boot:

kvim3#booti 1080000 10000000 20000000
Wrong Ramdisk Image Format

Is it possible my initrd.img was corrypted (before I have “apt upgrade” the system
without ‘sync’)?

my full boot log is:

My first question was about booting vim3 after upgrade system at:

And I want to decompose this issue.

Hello @sergetsp
1.Can you give more information on reproducing this problem? I’ve tried many times but haven’t reproduced this problem?

2.Can you provide this information?

khadas@Khadas:~$ free -h
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           1.9Gi       446Mi       1.2Gi       5.7Mi       528Mi       1.5Gi
Swap:          972Mi          0B       972Mi


I don’t think you’ll be able to reproduce the problem because it might be unsaved disk cache before reboot command.

The system is unbootable and stopped on step ‘unable to boot initrd’.
I have access to u-boot and I can run any diagnostic u-boot commands.

More than 20Gb free diskspace on disk.

Hello @sergetsp

I did the same test and it still works fine, if you find anything new please leave me a message,Have fun :wink: