VIM1 stock firmware *Solved*

No wonder you don’t like high temps in your SBCs, you know what it feels like. :grin:

Well you bet, I have been traumatized by heat and fire since my early days :sob:

I once even fell from the top of a one-story building after I had slipped, luckily I landed back exactly on my feet (kind of like a bottle flip), but doesn’t go to say, My life has been pretty extreme and dangerous…

all this stuff happened when I was 10-12 years old… Now I guess I am about 17-18 years old so life is only the beginning for me…

Keep in mind, the older we get, the slower we heal and the longer it takes to heal. Also we break easier…dang, getting older isn’t all good. :laughing:
Hopefully you have put most of your worst injuries behind you already.

yeah, can’t sit down and worry about them now, I ain’t got time to waste…
still have to look towards my future… :smile:

I have had memorable moments getting hurt, Once in a 100m sprint, I tripped on some stones causing me to fly over the finishing line, other time I was playing a sport called Kabbadi, it is dangerous and I got squashed by 5 heavy duty guys :grimacing:

buddy ,take care of yourself, we still need you

Buddy, that was 3 years ago, now I am fine, I have become house-sick, I don’t even leave my room nowadays, Mostly just studying and tinkering with dev boards…

I am sad to hear this, I hope without complications?

Yes not much problems, however I often hear my knees making a creaking sound every know and then…
I have consulted many but they say its calcium deficiency, but I don’t really think it is that, otherwise I escaped without a scratch,

let us not deviate here from this topic, we have been deviated from many topics… :sweat_smile:

buddy, I even forgot what the topic is called, sorry

Today is the day!

New VIM1, new stock firmware day! lol

I was thinking to myself, Khadas stuff seems cheap, but i remember building VIM3 with board, case, sink, fan, came to same rice i paid for Nvidia shield pro but i think i have more fun with Khadas rig then Shield

Shield was just plug and play not much tinkering about it.

Waaiiit !!!, don’t forget to check the Firmware number !!!

Dont worry i got my camera im going to document EVERYTHING!

Good to know, what was the Factory firmware by the way ?

well i thought it said 2020316, because on downloads page it is 200317 but i will find out how wrong i am soon

Well im glad im not crazy, i was a little off it says 20200316

So now my question is, since no one at khadas seems to remember this build, is it a rea VIM1? or a knock off?

Doesnt it say build date March 14th? thats only been 4 months, maybe staff has a fast turn around there? The guy who installed this version has already hit the pavement?

Wait, wait, i am crazy, i bought a second board just to get a previous version of android.

Im all mixed up :crazy_face: :thinking: :mask:


Yes my bad, its 20200316, i missed a digit or 2

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hi, is it all right now?

well now comes the fun of Krescue, gona test all these questions i have

will a 1 gig card work? will it make a clone?

i shall return!

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All the best buddy !