VIM 4 - Problems


I can’t connect my Logi Logitech MX Keys Mini wireless keyboard, on the Bios boot screen. Is this normal?

Therefore, it’s a shame that you can’t use the buttons on the motherboard to navigate the bio, or better → use a remote control in HDMI CEC. :pray: Do you think an update could allow that ?

Another problem,
Connecting to OOWOW to navigate the interface works perfectly in Hotspot, with Wifi with confirmation. But it didn’t work at all in LAN, typing the address vim4-xxxxx.local. Do you have this problem?

Finally, last question; do you know how to boot on micro sd card rather than eMMC?

Thanking you

its common usb keyboard or bluetooth ?

please checkit for example like my usb keyboard 6901:2701

lsusb -v -d 6901:2701 | grep Keyboard

Therefore, it’s a shame that you can’t use the buttons on the motherboard to navigate the bio, or better → use a remote control in HDMI CEC. :pray: Do you think an update could allow that ?

CEC support will be later not yet

But it didn’t work at all in LAN, typing the address vim4-xxxxx.local. Do you have this problem?

please read about oowow firewall

PS: 1st try to ping vim4-xxxxx.local or directly by IP address , oowow must allow icmp protocol (ping) in any case

PSS: usb network connection via usb-otg device port same always allowed

Finally, last question; do you know how to boot on micro sd card rather than eMMC?

just write valid image to sd card, must boot in any case

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  1. This is a Bluetooth keyboard. (The wired/USB keyboard I bought to try out works fine.)

  2. I do not understand

oowow not supported Bluetooth keyboard at this moment ( only common USB keyboards and some usb wireless dongles keyboards which works as common USB keyboards not as Bluetooth keyboard)

try direct IP by (same as LAN connected rom status line )
or http://vim4-00b71 or http://vim4-00b71.local but its need right name resolution and depends from your local network configuration

PS: check/change oowow firewall by default remote access restricted

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try direct IP by (same as LAN connected rom status line )
or http://vim4-00b71 or http://vim4-00b71.local but its need right name resolution and depends from your local network configuration

I have already tried all of this. :frowning:

PS: check/change oowow firewall by default remote access restricted

OK that works ! Thanks ! But it’s counter intuitive. I may have forgotten the day when I need to manipulate again. Why is there an active firewall in LAN mode ? :confused:
(However, for occasional users like me, this problem can be overcome when you can navigate directly with the TV remote control (HDMI CEC). It will be literally perfect.) :smiley:

just change mode to allow! if u trust to your LAN zone (any user from your LAN network can get full access to oowow ), if u agree don’t forget save changes via menu-> reboot-system

for one time access during run session just long press FUNCTION

Enter multifunction mode - press and hold FUNCTION button, release to activate selected function. (loop cycle: HotSpot ⇨ Firewall Allow ⇨ Firewall Block ⇨ Cancel ⇨, each mode wait 2 sec)

Yes, I temporarily disabled the firewall. I didn’t know you could save the settings, thanks!

(English is not my native language, sorry for its approximate aspect)

no need disable not recommend !!

ALLOW its suitable for LAN is same safe way (restricted only income from WAN)

Thank you very much for having intervened on the CoreElec Forum to offer your help. I don’t know if you got any feedback. I know they are actively working to get CoreElec working on the VIM4. Maybe they will come to you next.

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