Video Freeze and Green Screen VIM2 Android Marsh Mallow

i have problem with VIM2 Chipset - MarshMallow Android 6. When streaming Video using viaccess orc (VO Player).
there are 2 issue :

  1. Green screen appears when we do Fastforward or Backward the video.
    link video :
    log :

  2. Freezing video appears when auto next video.
    link video :
    log :

Any suggestion to resolve the issue?
Thank you

hello, vim2 has Android 9, the video there will definitely be smoother.

yes but i need it, try to do and fix it. any suggestion @Vladimir.v.v ? the problem depends from amlogic decoder.

It seems to me that I will never return to Android 6, and even now no one is fixing it. :man_shrugging:t3:

based on the log its Amlogic Decoder problem?

If you haven’t had any problems before, do a factory reset