Use the 3705 cooling fan on HAOS

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Alpine Linux v3.19

Which version of system do you use? Please provide the version of the system here:

Home Assistant OS - v6.6.46

Please describe your issue below:

Hi guys,

Does someone has a solution to use the cooling fan managed by the MCU in HAOS. Looks like they forget to include the driver of the fan. Also, I can’t modify the OS by myself (no rights).
Someone already posted an issue on the Git of Home Assistant but no response yet.
I know that I could use the PWM GPIO but I don’t want to go on the hardware of the board.

Thanks in advance !

Post a console log of your issue below:

(No fan file)

Hello @Thomas_Mlse

You can access the VIM3 MCU to control the FAN.

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Hi numbqq,

Thanks a lot for your answer.
With a friend, we did an add-on in HA that allows you to manage the fan speed with the i2c command.
Github link to the project

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Hello @Thomas_Mlse

Thanks for your effort. :wink: