Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?
Ubuntu Server 24.04
Please describe your issue below:
USB NVME drives fail after time, tried several USB enclosures.
I am trying to setup a network video recorder for home use.
I have several IP cameras and have used this with an RPI 4 and a system called Shinobi - I decided I wanted to run it on the VIM3 instead…
I have two VIM3 Pro devices and several NVME 1tb drives in USB3 cases.
The NVME drives test 100% with the cables on windows laptop.
One unit I have up and running, fails randomly 2-5hrs after it boots up.
it appears the VIM3 starts to spin its cooling fan on high for a min then settles down, when I go look, the monitors (cameras) wont start up, they are all in a loop starting-recording-dead and it appears this is because the USB NVME drive dropped out for a moment… I took my backup VIM3 Pro and set it up with a different NVME drive/enclosure and when I try to format it, I get failures… I am starting to think maybe the Ubuntu image maybe has some goofy USB drivers? Can anyone help?
Hi Numbbq, here is the output you asked for and also note I went to the older Ubuntu 22.04 image to see if it was more stable:
Fenix 1.6.9 Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Linux 5.15.119
shinobi@Khadas:~$ cat /etc/fenix-release
################ GIT VERSION ################
shinobi@Khadas:~$ uname -a
Linux Khadas 5.15.119 # SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 20 09:22:43 CST 2024 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
I have tried several power supplies includeing the original that I got from the Khadas store years back when I purchaced the VIM3, the current one I am useing is 5.1v 5a and is the most stable power supply I have for USB-C 5v applications. I have also confirmed it does support USB PD.
yes I have tried several different NVME drives.
I also tried two different USB cables to the drives.
its possible the NVME and USB are not the issue at all…
but I just dont have forever to get this project going.
I have an Edge-V Max I am not doing anything with, I will load it with Ubuntu and set shinobi up on it…
So the Edge-V Max was also a bust, for different reasons.
I have my project working perfectly now tho.
I set it up on an Odroid N2 I had in the drawer doing nothing.
This is the 3rd project Khadas projects have not been able to get the job done for me…
Only thing I have ever gotten working on them without issue was a LibreELEC player…