Ubuntu Server Official Image GPIO + wiringPiSetup: Unknown model

I’m getting this error

khadas@Khadas: ~ $ gpio readall
wiringPiSetup: Unknown model

Also I’m not finding any gpio in /sys/class/gpio

khadas@Khadas : ~ $ ls /sys/class/gpio
export gpiochip0 gpiochip128 gpiochip32 gpiochip64 gpiochip96 unexport

This did not happened in the LXDE image

Hello @quatro

What’s the board you used? Edge, Edge-V or Captain?

@Frank Please followup.


I have the Edge-V board.

@quatro Hello,The firmware is not the latest version.We have solved this bug and will update it in the next version. You can update it manually.

  • step 1: git clone it to you board
  • step 2: sudo -i (Switch to superuser)
  • step 3: ./build
  • step 4:./INSTALL
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Thank you! How can I know when the next version is released?

@quatro We will have plans for new software updates in the near future. The specific time hasn’t been decided yet

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How can I get notified?

I’m having the same error after installing latest version from code, please I need fixing as soon as possible…

I got it working by cloning https://github.com/frank180/WiringPi thanks!

It kind of works… now it freezes when I do:

khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo gpio readall
 +------+-----+-------------------+------+---+----+--- Model  KHADAS-EDGE ---+----+---+------+----------------------------+-----+------+
 | GPIO | wPi |        Name       | Mode | V | DS | PU/PD | Physical | PU/PD | DS | V | Mode |            Name            | wPi | GPIO |
 |      |     |                5V |      |   |    |       |  1 || 21 |       |    |   |      | GND(0V)                    |     |      |
 |      |     |                5V |      |   |    |       |  2 || 22 |       |    | 1 | IN   | SPI3_RXD/I2C0_SCK/GPIO1_C0 | 13  |  48  |
 |      |     |          HOST1_DM |      |   |    |       |  3 || 23 |       |    | 1 | IN   | SPI3_TXD/I2C0_SDA/GPIO1_B7 | 12  |  47  |
 |      |     |          HOST1_DP |      |   |    |       |  4 || 24 |       |    |   |      | GND(0V)                    |     |      |
 |      |     |           GND(0V) |      |   |    |       |  5 || 25 |       |    | 1 | IN   | I2C2_SCL/GPIO2_A1          | 9   |  65  |
 |      |     |            MCU_TX |      |   |    |       |  6 || 26 |       |    | 1 | IN   | I2C2_SDA/GPIO2_A0          | 8   |  64  |
 |      |     |          MCU_NRST |      |   |    |       |  7 || 27 |       |    |   |      | 3.3V                       |     |      |
 |      |     |          MCU_SWIM |      |   |    |       |  8 || 28 |       |    |   |      | GND(0V)                    |     |      |
 |      |     |           GND(0V) |      |   |    |       |  9 || 29 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S0_SCLK/GPIO3_D0         | 0   |  120 |
 |      |  25 |           ADC_IN2 |      |   |    |       | 10 || 30 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S_CLK/GPIO4_A0           | 11  |  128 |
 |      |     |              1.8V |      |   |    |       | 11 || 31 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S0_SDO0/GPIO3_D7         | 7   |  127 |
 |      |  29 |           ADC_IN3 |      |   |    |       | 12 || 32 |       |    | 0 | IN   | 2S0_LRCK_TX/GPIO3_D2       | 2   |  122 |
 |  112 |  17 |    SPDIF/GPIO3_C0 |   IN | 1 |    |       | 13 || 33 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S0_SDI0/GPIO3_D3         | 3   |  123 |
 |      |     |            GND(0V |      |   |    |       | 14 || 34 |       |    |   |      | GND(0V)                    |     |      |
 |   50 |  10 |  SPI3_CS/GPIO1_C2 |   IN | 0 |    |       | 15 || 35 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S0_SDI3SDO1/GPIO3_D6     | 6   |  126 |
 |   49 |  14 | SPI3_CLK/GPIO1_C1 |  OUT | 1 |    |       | 16 || 36 |       |    | 0 | IN   | 2S0_SDI2SDO2/GPIO3_D5      | 5   |  125 |
 |      |     |           GND(0V) |      |   |    |       | 17 || 37 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S0_SDI1SDO3/GPIO3_D4     | 4   |  124 |
 |      |     |           UART_RX |      |   |    |       | 18 || 38 |       |    | 0 | IN   | I2S0_LRCK_RX/GPIO3_D1      | 1   |  121 |
 |      |     |           UART_TX |      |   |    |       | 19 || 39 |       |    |   |      | MCU_PA1                    |     |      |
 |      |     |              3.3V |      |   |    |       | 20 || 40 |       |    |   |      | GND(0V)                    |     |      |

any fixes? Why does it freeze when doing gpio readall

@quatro I debugging it now .

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