Ubuntu Primary OS but with Dual-Boot


So While I am waiting for VIM2 drivers/kernel/uboot etc to be posted to github this week (Source for Ubuntu release - #2 by numbqq)

My plan is to compile my own ubuntu and make it the primary OS on VIM2. However since I have so much emmc memory, I might as well add Android (or maybe even LibreELEC later) as an option boot.

However, I dont care about Android and I am not interested in compiling my own - so I would use one posted in firmware. (http://docs.khadas.com/basics/FirmwareResources/)

So the questions are:

.Will the firmware (but uboot probably more likely) allow me to dual boot?

.Have you made a Ubuntu that allows you to reboot in to Android? (Same as your current Android, that option boots into Ubuntu - But the other way around!)

.How could I (or is it even possible) use one of your android images? Would you need to make a special one?

.Time to start thinking about making multi-booting easy on this device. 64G emmc means that I want all these images burned into emmc and a grub-like boot loader.

Have you tried making a grub loader?

offtopic somewhat - How is UEFI coming on?

(Currently Empty)

Yes, will done in this week.(Android SDK has done)

Yes, the current U-Boot support Android & Linux dual os, and you can use our official Android ROM for your own option boot. Check the U-Boot source code for the details.


Just tarball all the images:

  • Common U-Boot
  • Android Images
  • Linux images: initrd, rootfs

You can refer the script set on image_upgrade repo for the further details.

We want to develop UEFI, but will take some time :slight_smile:

Thanks & Enjoy!

This implies that your Ubuntu/Android has this already. I did not see an option in Ubuntu to ‘boot to Android’
I will check again.

tarball? But actually this part is probably not so hard to do (more assistance might be needed, I see that dualbooting linux/linux will probably run into issues, since ‘images’/partitions need to have the same name.?

I have and got a basic understanding, perhaps some guidance or howto from your team will help. Particularly a practical explaination/example of partitions (dts/dtb related?)