Ubuntu 20.04 gnome distributives for vim4?

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Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas official images

Please describe your issue below:

Is there Ubuntu 20.04 gnome distributive for vim4? If there are no such distributives can I use Vim3 or Vim3l? English is not my native language? so I apologize for any mistakes.

It is not provided for the time being.

For VIM3/VIM3L, ubuntu 20.04 is provided.Is the link below what you need


Thank you for your reply and links.
I am sorry if I confused you. My question more about if I install ubuntu 20.04 for VIM3 or VIM3L on VIM4, will it work?

It doesn’t work properly.

Got it. Thank you for your help