Uboot slow loading with [aml_i2c_xfer] error ret = -110

Hello! System is loading slowly because of repeating errors:

usid: 98aafc60501f
[aml_i2c_xfer] error ret = -110         i2c master a current slave addr is 0x18
i2c_read: i2c transfer failed
Error reading the chip: -110
[BL31]: tee size: 0

mac address: 98:aa:fc:60:50:1f
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L507:key[deviceid] not programed yet
saradc - saradc sub-system

saradc saradc open <channel>            - open a SARADC channel
saradc close    - close the SARADC
saradc getval   - get the value in current channel
saradc get_in_range <min> <max> - return 0 if current value in the range of current channel

gpio: pin GPIOAO_2 (gpio 102) value is 1
Product checking: pass!
[aml_i2c_xfer] error ret = -110         i2c master a current slave addr is 0x18
i2c_read: i2c transfer failed
Error reading the chip: -110
[aml_i2c_xfer] error ret = -110         i2c master a current slave addr is 0x18
i2c_read: i2c transfer failed
Error reading the chip: -110
state err

How to avoid this?
Thank you.

Hello kkkkk,

What image you use? Does it report the errors every time?



Yes, every time.

I have console UART connected to 20-17 pins - can’t check if it’s ok without it yet.

Hello kkkkk,

Have you tried other images? Android?
