TruNAS/FreeNAS on the Edge 2 Pro?

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW?

Ive test drove all briefly so far… But would prefer a TruNAS/FreeNAS option.

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Haven’t got around to flashing external images yet… but is soon on the to-do list.

Please describe your issue below:

Presuming a USB boot from flash drive set as boot priority should suffice. I’d like to set up an external drive connected with TruNAS boot from USB… still determining between Android OS and Ubuntu for native OS boot. I did not see any options for uploading OS’s in OOWOW… only the set downloadable images.

Hello @Leucitic

We haven’t tried TruNAS/FreeNAS yet, if you have issues with it, please let us know.

It appears OOWOW does not want to permit a boot from USB option… I think I may have to remove it and find a compatible boot loader…