Truck dashboard

Got my momentary relay setup completed. One momentary press at ignition on, one momentary press at ignition off


sorry ! looks like a detonator from a movie :blush::+1:

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I’ll say. If not then, you certainly do now.:smile:

Also, I was thinking, that leaving off the speedometer’s min and max display might be a good idea. You don’t want to have to explain that to an officer.:laughing:


It actually helped the one and only time (knock on wood) I’ve been pulled over for speed.
I said I had only gone up to 43 in a 40, he claimed way more. He dropped it and moved to my loud exhaust. LoL


That’s what my wife said. She told me not to post it with out an explanation. LoL

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Details! They are important


Truck is home. Dash will go in this weekend :grin:


WOW! I love it. I need to work out the fuel gauge still, I don’t think it’s reading correctly?
Only disappointment is the red line that has appeared on the right side of the screen? Not sure what happened there.
Over all I think it came out pretty good :blush:

In the last picture you can see all my wires for my stereo. It is pretty loud with, (2) 4" tweeters, (2) 6.5" mid-bass, (1) 10" sub, and (1) 700 watt 5 channel amp.
Being an A/V guy I need good tunes, LoL

Thank you all for your support :pray:!
Stay tuned for updates.


Good to see your truck back, well, most of it back anyway.:grin:

You certainly put a lot of effort in to it. The effort shows, looks great. Impressive.
All that and smooth, reliable shifts too.
BTW Nice squeak and rattle elimination system.

What’s next, some games on the VIM3 and a Bluetooth controller so you can play games** when traffic is bumper-to-bumper?:slightly_smiling_face:
**Kidding, of course, drivers should not game while driving.:crazy_face:

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I’m thinking a cam then turbo? I would like to be competitive in the class I’m running at the drag strip. LoL

I have Hulu? I’m not a big gamer.
I want to do it again in a different car this time.


A night vision front mounted camera that would show on the VIM3 would be real cool I think?

FYI: I have a Bluetooth controller now, it’s not a touch screen.


Here are a couple of pictures of my “squeak and rattle removal system” LoL
I made the fiberglass kickpods. I don’t have any good pictures of the amp and sub as they are just set in place and no custom work has been done yet, it just works, for now.


So this is the relay pack I came up with to put the VIM3 to sleep and wake up with the key.
I have:
(2) mini relays, part# 8616 mini relay, prewired.
(2) DEI 528t timer relays.
The DEIs react to a (-) input. So one mini relay (sleep) is connected to switched power, even during start. After I have driven, and turn the truck off, it switches to (-) and trips the 528t (set at 1 second) and puts the VIM3 to sleep. The other mini relay is connected to the “start” circuit. So after start up the relay goes back to (-) and trips the second 528t (set for 1 second) and wakes up the VIM3.


In the words of John “Hannibal” Smith, I love it when a plan comes together.:grin:
Very nice job you are doing on this project.


Thank you :blush:
My oldest son has a drift car. He wants to do something like this? If he does I will post pictures of the build.

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After using my set up for a few months now there are a couple of things that have come to light.

  1. I never installed the heatsink, so on days it’s over 85°f the vim3 would reboot numerous times during one drive. I have since installed the heatsink and fan. The problem has not returned.
  2. the sleep/awake relays seem to not works sometimes? I have tried to tell the similarities when it happens as to narrow down the problem, no luck so far.
    Other than that, it has been awesome. Everyone that has seen it freaks out. “That’s bad ass” #1 response

Good to hear from you, thanks for the update. Yes, in all cases, VIM3 should have at least the heatsink installed. I would think vehicle interior/dash heat levels would also need the fan. Glad you got the reboot problem resolved by mounting them both.
Also, yes, your setup is badass. :grinning:

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How did you get that screen resolution to work I have a similar one and it will not work

so looking at this Can you use the VIN cable to power the vim3, and then just use a switched power to the pwr pads to put to sleep and wake up? In theory it would always draw power from the VIN cable and just use the switched to put in and out of sleep?