Note: After upgrading using the “EVAL drivers”, uninstall them and use your Windows 10 native USB-DAC driver, else you will hear a loud tone after sometime.
Well it works (most of the time), sometimes it doesn’t work via Mac, the XMOS updater is terrible. The worst error you’ll get is “unable to detect board”, which means you can’t brick your Tone Board using the Mac - but then you can’t update it either.
Updating via Ubuntu and Windows is more reliable, I just run a virtual machine of Ubuntu on the Mac, and connect the USB-DAC to it.
I just opened a new terminal and it worked. Looks like you can’t use the same terminal window that you used to install the tool. I’m guessing it’s a environment variable or something.
Same experience as Gytis. Without sudo on Mac and Ubuntu, I get the “Could not find/open device” error that PaulZH saw. With sudo, it works. The instructions for updating the firmware ( should be updated accordingly.
Hi Everyone. I am usying Khadas Tone Board on Windows7. After updating firmware Tone1_Firmware_V2.00 KTB stopped working. Has changed the name to Tone1 and cannot work. TUSB Audio also cannot see the device that I can load previous firmware. Is there a way to reset KTD to origin firmware? Btw now KTD on windows7 do not work at all. On Win10 works, but also TUSB Audio do not see the device, that I could load previous firmware.
I would appreciate your help
Hi, just want to make update, maybe somebody will have the same issue. I missed info that there is new driver - Thesycon 4.82.0 and than it works After upgrading firmware to version 2.0. your previous Thesycon Control Panel will not recognize the device. On Win10 you will have the sound, but on Win7 not. So, unistalling all previous drives and installing new 4.82.0 will help you.
But I wonder, now I have maximum 24mbit and 192khz. Previously on version 1.04 I had 32/192. I will go deeper with it, but maybe someone knows the solution?
Yes, I have updated Khadas USB Driver. But on Windows7 24 bits is the max. On Win10 there is 32 bits available. I’ll still try something and keep you updated.