Tone 2 Pro not being recognized after MacOS Sleep

Hey all, I’m having an issue with the Tone 2 Pro on a new Mac Mini M4 (Sequoia 15.1.1). After the device goes to sleep, on return the Tone 2 (firmware 1.41) is not recognized. If I unplug it and plug it again, it’s recognized again normally, but it’s very annoying. I have tried changing the input mode from USB to Auto, but the behavior is the same. Any idea how to fix it? Thanks!

Hi Daniel_L,
We have encountered the same problem in Win 10, but Win 11 is OK. This problem is a bit troublesome. We plan to update the firmware of Tone2 Pro and Tone2 in 2025 and prepare to fix it together. Sorry for this issue. We will arrange the repair as soon as possible. Thank you.

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