Tone 2 Pro ... Curiously same serials numbers landed on differents countries

Hello All,…

In this topic (Khadas Tone 2 Pro…Out of the Box!), my curiosity prompted me to ask every new owner of the brand new Tone 2 Pro, in which country they are living and what is the serial number of thier Tone 2 Pro…

Looking at it more closely, I felt something strange…
According to this picture I verified if I was wrong about my Tone 2 Pro serial number…

I was right, my Tone 2 Pro serial number is indeed OCA10004, landed 23 january in France

@Toner’s one seems to be serial number 19 landed 26 january in Germany…

@ArndH tell us that his serial number is 11A100xx landed in Germany…

Curiously @Ardummy recieved also number 11A100xx landed in Eastern Spain

I wonder why same serial numbers are both send into Germany and Easter Spain ?!?
It’s curious, don’t you think ?

Add-on 2021-03-14 : (due to serials numbers hexadeximal notation)

  • @Ardummy107 (hex 6B) 2021-03-12 Eastern Spain
  • @ArndH N°?? (hex ??) Germany
  • @DerFu4 (hex 04) 2021-01-23 France
  • @Toner25 (hex 19) 2021-01-26 Germany

@DerFu pardon me, this may be a silly answer but it could be the actual answer… :sweat_smile:
serial numbers come in serial procession ?

p.s I also have a serial number: 11A100xx

Just for clarification, xx does mean that my serial number is between 0 and 99. On the box there is no xx printed.

Hi all,…

Ok, I give up ! …

Bye !

DerFu, my serial number is 11A1006B.

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Hello @Ardummy, thanks to you, we know that the serials numbers are hexadecimal based
So we know that serial number 107 (hex 6B) has landed at @Ardummy’s, Eastern Spain :wink:

Thank you for playing the game, I appreciate :wink:

Looking closer, I wonder what OCA100xx means compared to 11A100xx ?
O” isn’t a part of hexadecimal notation… :crazy_face:

perhaps you have obtained a peculiar specimen :face_with_monocle:

Maybe, it was certainly a premonitory sign, it will be soon modified into a VIM Edition T2P :wink:

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