The resolution is 1920x720 on Khadas VIM3L. How?

Which Khadas SBC do you use?

Khadas VIm3L

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android 9

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?


Good afternoon dear Khadas community!
I have Khadas VIM3L. There is also a 12.3-inch touchscreen monitor with a resolution of 1920720. I installed a clean android on Khadas (the official vim3l build is android-9-32bit-v231122). But the picture turns out to be flattened on this monitor. As I understand it, Khadas VIM3L does not support 1920720 resolution. As I understand it, the resolution for Khadas VIM3L is set to 19201080 and I cannot change it. Can someone help me set up the 1920720 resolution on Khadas? I will be very grateful.

Hello, because our code is open source, you can customize the HDMI resolution parameters according to your own monitor. This requires you to correspond to the parameters in your monitor manual.

I don’t think I can figure it out on my own. Would you be able to help me how to do this? What characteristics of my monitor should I look at?

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