in this weekend I’ve managed and finish my own homemade teamspeak3 + cs go server on Khadas VIM4.
I’m writing here because maybe someone needs more details or will be interested for doing this solution.
I’m a little bit lazy with making documentation for all necessary steps how the job was done, but I have some key points and examples what I did:
- Teamspeak 3 has now official server installation for ARM architecture, I’ve downloaded 64-bit version of server and used box64 - emulator for 64-bit architecture
- For using existing startup script, I’ve made some modifications in original script (for launching executable binary using box64):
cat teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/ts3server_startscript.sh |grep box64
"/usr/local/bin/box64" "${BINARYNAME}" "${@}" "daemon=1" "pid_file=$PID_FILE"
- For CSGO server there was a lot more of work to do:
- I’ve used box86:armhf package for working with steamcmd - because it is 32-bit installator from Valve
- steamcmd.sh file should be modified:
cat steamcmd.sh |grep box86
$DEBUGGER "/usr/local/bin/box86" "$STEAMEXE" "$@"
and prevent from writing, because steam installator will replace this file with old one and for my needs I have to use box86 for launching steam part:
chattr +i steamcmd.sh
- when the cs go part starts downloading I’ve reveived an error for not enough space on disk, and indeed:
sdcard is recommended and even mandatory for extend disk space on device for cs go server installation
- after csgo dedicated server installation I’ve done small change in starting script:
cat /mnt/sdcard/csgo/srcds_run |grep box86
HL_CMD="/usr/local/bin/box86 $HL $PARAMS"
- general disk usage:
df -hP
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 776M 18M 758M 3% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p2 29G 2.3G 26G 9% /
tmpfs 3.8G 4.0K 3.8G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /tmp
/dev/mmcblk0p1 217M 41M 167M 20% /boot
/dev/mmcblk1p1 234G 33G 190G 15% /mnt/sdcard
tmpfs 776M 0 776M 0% /run/user/1000
- Performance:
- ts3 server seems to work pretty smooth
- I’ve set 128 tickrate on cs go server, but when I enable bots (moving bots), there are performance issues - I expect this server will works smoothly without bots, and with max 10 players on server, but more test should be done
I hope this topic can be usefull for everyone who struglle with similar installation like mine