Strange colors on screen for some screen and not for others, no ideas why, impossible to recover it with settings
I have some strange color issue using all my VIM4 on some screen and not on others screen, I have no idea why.
With beetronics screen for instance, everything is fine, color are intense and ok, and with cheaper FHD screen the color are fade, with low contrast, and it is impossible to change it with the settings. I precise that these screens are perfects with other computers or embedded board.
has somebody a similar issue, if yes how do you solve, explain it ?
I feel that it has to do with the hdmi autodetect functions, something like that. But I have no Ideas what should I check, change,…
thank you very much in advance for your help, suggestions, proposals
I and my colleague have tried to change everything in the display and color settings of ubuntu, it does not change anything, it is weird… We have no idea why