I’m following the instructions to download the Android 14 AOSP source code for the Khadas Edge 2 board. (Edge2 Download Android Source Code [Khadas Docs])
However, it looks like there are some repositiories and some branches missing:
repo has been initialized in /home/jkoehler/dev/android-build/src/khadas_edge2_android14_vanilla/khadas-edge2-android14
repo init -u https://github.com/khadas/android_manifest.git -b khadas-edge2-android14
repo sync -c -j4
error: Cannot fetch android_kernel_prebuilts_6.1_arm64 from https://github.com/khadas/android_kernel_prebuilts_6.1_arm64
error: Cannot fetch android_device_khadas_rk3588 from https://git.khadas.com/android_device_khadas_rk3588
error: Cannot fetch android_kernel_configs from https://github.com/khadas/android_kernel_configs
error: Cannot fetch android_kernel_prebuilts_6.1_arm64 from https://github.com/khadas/android_kernel_prebuilts_6.1_arm64
error: Cannot fetch android_device_khadas_rk3588 from https://git.khadas.com/android_device_khadas_rk3588
error: Cannot fetch android_kernel_configs from https://github.com/khadas/android_kernel_configs
This is pure conjecture, I do not use android.
However, you might try doing another sync at a later time. If you cannot get it down loaded after 24 hours it would more than likely another issue. When I see github, it begins to smell…
Hello, we just uploaded it yesterday and are still doing the final verification to pull the code. Thank you for your feedback
Thank you very much. It seems like the branch for the device config “khadas-edge2-android14” is missing in android_device_khadas_rk3588.
I have re uploaded this warehouse
Thanks a lot.
It seems like there is olnly one thing still missing:
error: Cannot fetch android_system_core from https://git.khadas.com/android_system_core
Please use the following command to pull and take a look separately
repo sync -j10 -c system/core
If it’s not successful, send me the log of the pulled code information to take a look
Because our connection to GitHub in China is very slow, thank you for synchronizing the information. Could you please take a look at the repositories that you cannot pull down and send me the pulled logs for me to take a look
I found the cause of the error.
I used REPO_ALLOW_SHALLOW=0 with repo.
This leads to error 503 errors on the repositories at khadas.com.
Without setting REPO_ALLOW_SHALLOW there is no problem,
Hello, can you complete the synchronization and compilation successfully on your end
Hi, thanks for asking. I was able to sync the sources completely and building the image.
Okay, thank you for your help