Slow NPU Inference Performance using YOLOV8n Compared to Benchmark (Using rknnlite API)

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Latest Khadas Ubuntu image installed with OOWOW

Please describe your issue below:

From NPU benchmarks of running YOLOv8n I expected to see each inference take ~100ms. When I perform inferences using the rknnlite api provided by RockChip I am seeing times that are at a minimum ~300ms.

        start_time = time.time()
        outputs = self.rknn_lite.inference(inputs=[frame])
        end_time = time.time()
        print(f"Inference duration: {end_time - start_time}")

This is measured exactly before and after the call to the RKNNLite detector object. self.rknn_lite is an instance of rknnlite.api.RKNNLite. I am using version 1.6.0 of the rknn wheel and from the rknn-toolkit2 repository. The model I am using was created from the conversion script mentioned in the rknn model zoo repository. I am assuming that the yolov8n model in the edge2-npu repository is made in the same way with the only difference being the RKNN library version supported being 1.4.0 in the edge2 -npu repository.

During running I can see that my NPU load is only at about 20% across all 3 cores and my CPU is not loaded.

Hello @Eliasin

@Louis-Cheng-Liu will help you then.

Hello @Eliasin ,

I have not used rknnlite.api.RKNNLite. If you think it infers too slow, you can try to use edge2-npu/C++/yolov8n. It spends 20ms per frame.

Do you happen to have any examples of a CPython binding that would allow me to infer/postprocess the results in C but interpret the results as something like a numpy array in Python? The rest of my application logic is in Python and while I can rewrite it or do some IPC it’d be nicer if I didn’t have to.

Hello @Eliasin ,

Sorry, we do not have the example you say.

I simply run YOLOv8n model by rknn_lite.inference on egde2, but only about 32ms per frame.