Sierra 5G Modem Install

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 22.04 (Linux version 5.15.78 (khadas@bd727e7a88a9))

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

Khadas Official Image

Please describe your issue below:

I am trying to attach Sierra EM9291 5G NR module.

As the guide from Sierra, I downloaded source code for usb_wwan module and compiled.

I got the following error message,

‘usb_wwan_dtr_rts’ exported twice. Previous export was in vmlinux

Can you help or direct me to make an this module to post safely?

Thank you very much for your help!

Can you share the source code ? please check and follow up.

If you need access privileges let me know it by emailing (

The request has been sent, can you receive it?

I shared you already.

Sorry for late.


1.I don’t have the problem you describe.please try the following firmware.
2.How do you operate it?

khadas@Khadas:~/usb$ ls
Makefile  qcserial.c  qmi_wwan.c  readme.txt  usb_wwan.c  usb-wwan.h
khadas@Khadas:~/usb$ make
make -C /lib/modules/5.15.119/build M=/home/khadas/usb
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.119'
  CC [M]  /home/khadas/usb/qcserial.o
  CC [M]  /home/khadas/usb/usb_wwan.o
  CC [M]  /home/khadas/usb/qmi_wwan.o
  MODPOST /home/khadas/usb/Module.symvers
  CC [M]  /home/khadas/usb/qcserial.mod.o
  LD [M]  /home/khadas/usb/qcserial.ko
  CC [M]  /home/khadas/usb/qmi_wwan.mod.o
  LD [M]  /home/khadas/usb/qmi_wwan.ko
  CC [M]  /home/khadas/usb/usb_wwan.mod.o
  LD [M]  /home/khadas/usb/usb_wwan.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-5.15.119'
khadas@Khadas:~/usb$ ls
Makefile        qcserial.ko     qcserial.o    qmi_wwan.mod.c  usb_wwan.c    usb_wwan.mod.c
modules.order   qcserial.mod    qmi_wwan.c    qmi_wwan.mod.o  usb-wwan.h    usb_wwan.mod.o
Module.symvers  qcserial.mod.c  qmi_wwan.ko   qmi_wwan.o      usb_wwan.ko   usb_wwan.o
qcserial.c      qcserial.mod.o  qmi_wwan.mod  readme.txt      usb_wwan.mod
khadas@Khadas:~/usb$ grep "usb_wwan_dtr_rts" . -nr
./qcserial.mod.c:32:    { 0xa93951d4, "usb_wwan_dtr_rts" },
grep: ./usb_wwan.o: binary file matches
grep: ./usb_wwan.ko: binary file matches
./usb-wwan.h:9:extern void usb_wwan_dtr_rts(struct usb_serial_port *port, int on);
./Module.symvers:11:0xa93951d4  usb_wwan_dtr_rts        /home/khadas/usb/usb_wwan       EXPORT_SYMBOL
./qcserial.c:730:       .dtr_rts             = usb_wwan_dtr_rts,
./qcserial.c:757:       .dtr_rts             = usb_wwan_dtr_rts,
grep: ./qcserial.mod.o: binary file matches
grep: ./qcserial.ko: binary file matches
./usb_wwan.c:76:void usb_wwan_dtr_rts(struct usb_serial_port *port, int on)
grep: ./qcserial.o: binary file matches
1 Like

After changing install Image, it works.
