Share informations for mediabox into linux

@Spikerguy do you know if I try insere nvme driver into OS coreelec?
But the image for movies is very good :slight_smile: I had a 4K without lag ^^

Technically they should have in enabled by default. But you cannot add much to it until you follow their build process and make changes to the device kernel config before building the new image.

You can request them to add it in the next build if it is missing.

I think @adamg will be the one to know better and answer for CoreElec.

Hi, in my case Coreelec is on usb-ssd, there are no problems, the first one starts, Android is the second system, both systems are installed using the standard method in my case

We can install opkg and do some stuff though

You can use Docker on Coreelec to run almost everything, but you might need to build some images locally, as the ones pulled from docker repo might be built for Intel/AMD CPUs only.

Do you know how the COREELEC.9.2.2.emmc.kresq from github COREELEC file is made?

Hi, I think this question is for Hyphop.