Selecting cameras for the VIM4

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Khadas official image

Please describe your issue below:

We’re trying to connect 2 Raspberry Pi HQ cameras to the VIM4’s video inputs. What cables and drivers are needed? If the VIM4 is not compatible with that camera, can someone (maybe @numbqq ?) recommend a pair of cameras and drivers with similar specifications? Thanks for your help!

Hello @BRL_Tony

VIM4 supported camera is:

OS08A10 - VIM4 OS08A10 MIPI Camera [Khadas Docs]

Thank you @numbqq ! Does that camera’s IR-CUT filter toggle digitally, or is it an integral part of the sensor housing? I’m comparing it to this one if it’s any help…

What got our attention there is that the IR can be toggled with a digital I/O line from the VIM4 as we need to switch modes.

I read through the documentation on the Docs site - very thorough! Still didn’t find if the IR-CUT filter is manual or digital though. However, I did read that the throughput is quite good for that camera so I ordered one from Amazon to tinker with. :slight_smile:

The second MIPI-CSI on the VIM4 is a 30 pin connector it seems. How does one adapt the 20 pin camera to 30 pin if you wanted to run 2 cameras at the same time? Or is that possible with hardware encoding in the stream?

You can control IR-CUT manually.