Sample rate limitation


Both of my boards (Tone 1 and Tone 2) are limited on Windows 10 to 96khz.

Any tip?



Hi Mr_Kholl,
It seem like the os/audio player have some problem. please try:

  • Try changing the player to see if there is any improvement. such as foobar2000
  • upgrade windows to see if there is any improvement.

I try to install a windows 10 to check this, not meet your problem, show as below:

Note: even though Tone2 support PCM768, but windows not support this sample rate display, just support pcm384 display. some info mention here

Hi Kenny,

Took a time to realize that it wasn’t an OS/Driver, but the USB Port limitation, I changed the controller and now is working.

I can see 384kHz both from Tone 1 and Tone 2.

I don’t have a 768khz file to play, but Roon says that can play it via ASIO.

Also Tone 2 is working with Native DSD (64, 128 and 256, didn’t tried 512).

So, everything seems to be perfect!
Thank you!

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Hi Mr_Kholl
I haven’t noticed there’s a problem here, you are awesome :+1:t2: