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Thanks for the help getting started with converting one of my onnx models to KSNN. I still have a ways to go to understand it all and get it converted, but at least I have a starting point. In the meanwhile I wanted to try getting a model running that is already in .nb format.
I pulled the AML_NN_SDK (from GitHub - Amlogic-NN/AML_NN_SDK) while originally trying to learn how to get things running on the VIM3. One of the demo models is face_landmark_68_88.nb, which I’d like to get running in a python app as well. However the SDK only has C/C++ code. I looked at some of the python samples in the KSNN git repo, but it looks like all of the models end up having a custom .so file to go with them. The only .so files I can find in the AML_NN_SDK are libNNGPUBinary.so, libNNVXCBinary.so, and libOvx12VXCBinary.so in AML_NN_SDK/Linux/runtime_sharelib/DDK6487/A311D_0x88/lib64. Are any of these the libraries I need?
I guess my question is, given a .nb file, how I do get the .so file for it to be able to run it from python?