[ROM] SC VIM3L Pie “Normal” Debug Build v5 20211122

I’m new to Khadas I have installed Vim3L v3 user on one machine and debug on the other
And both my air mouse voice isn’t working
And on both trying to search the web it only search YouTube or Tubi (as selected in setting for Google) but I want to use Google to surf the internet go to specific website I can’t
And in user firmware the picture blackout when I select a movie or change app (because it shows MHz ) when I switch from video to video thou the debug it doesn’t I have selected the same apps and videos
Please how can I fix the google to explore the internet and fix the voice command
Thank you

hi, what is your remote?

seems to force HDR, it is recommended to disable

my remote is AIRMOUSE G10

i dont know if im in the right page on both machine i have installed vim3L v3 ATV user and debug

ok thank you i will try it now

that is, the remote control partially works as you say, for example, a search on YouTube?

when i select the Google bar on top (where is the mic and keyboard icon) trying typing a specific website to go to the only page opens or result on youtube and Tubi only ,example if i am typing Khadas into the Google Bar the result gives me all videos of Khadas in Youtube even ig i type www.khadas.com

and for the voiceselecting the voice icon From Google Bar meanwhile pressing the voice icon from the remote it only give me results end of the screen saying (try saying…(search for funny shows…) but it wont navigate

the topic is here, but it’s not so important, I think, and here you can discuss

thank you for your time

perhaps it was conceived this way, so the version of atv itself, it involves a search on video, not web sites

right that’s what the results are giving the search are from the selected apps in Device Preference >Google Assistant > searchable apps:

I have good news for you, Superceleron has a g10 remote control available, so I assume that he can help you to the end!

This will be great
and hopefully we can find a solution for the google search to surf the web it will be amazing

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this is actually not a big problem, I’m sure you can solve it, you just need a configuration for web search

i am trying to search where i can drop my question for Vim3l Pie not ATV

my question is i installed some apps but i cant control them by the remote i have to use an Air mouse or Mouseis that because Pie 9 is made for touch screens as tablet and mobiles?

please specify, do you have g10 or g10s?

how can i know 2.4ghz wireless

G10s has the function of an air mouse, at g10 no given function

Show me the remote control photo, I’ll tell you for sure

but in any case, your remote control must be able to control, at least just with buttons

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Yes, everything is fine here, but what is wrong with him?

you have g10s

I have exactly the same remote, but there were no problems