[ROM] SC VIM3 Pie "Normal" Debug Build v8 20211122

buddy, can we stop this useless conversation?

Ok, but you did ask for help to install the program, I just did what I could, showing you the way… :blush:

I’m not sure, who needs your wrong path

please specify, do you plan to output sound to an external device or will the sound be from the TV?

Sorry not at the moment, i have to many builds to do (Like 16…) and i already lost to many time of porting my changes from my sdk to this newer sdk and fit them again in the changes that were made( 2x times, since my HDD played up and i corrupted my old sdk… ye pain)
Maybe in a near future who knows.


well something is coming…

This ones took long time to get done.
Btw vim3l build only when i get my new board since the one i have died.
Ho… and no TWRP in debug builds im sorry but i do not have the time to fix it to this new sdk.
PS: Playready supported only on VIM3 and VIM3L ATV builds.


Posted in the 1º post the v6 build.
Plz READ the bug section of v6.


Where would I find the Bug section?

It is in this thread’s opening post. Go to top. Look for Bug info by version.

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Navigation bar It must be done so that the switch could be disappeared and not disappeared.
then it was cool!! :love_you_gesture:

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Hmm you mean disable the auto disappear?
I already think on that, there is no point on having that if we already have a setting in settings for it.
I will disabled it in this next build.


I want the navigation bar to be toggle on or off hiding the navigation bar.

Do you mean something like these settings?

Yes i think he means that one, i see that screenshot is from Ugoos fw.
I will implement it next build, not on this one since is already done.

Hi, I don’t know, I don’t have ugoos, but there is a third-party firmware made for vim3, it looks decent, good vim3 board, good ugoos port, I’m just a user, so I have nothing to do with cracking firmware, by the way, today I updated to 0.4.0

Ye is Ugoos fw, that is why it was banned from freaktab since Ugoos made a copyright claim.
I know you just an user, but the users cant forget that is not actually is work but other ppls work.
Also is pretty easy to port the Ugoos fw to any amlogic box, i can do it in 10 min or even less.
But i wont, is their work!
Anyway this is not a conversation to this topic :slight_smile:

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Remember beelink with fake RAM, instead of the declared 3 gigabytes, they released 2 gigabytes in one of the revisions, and masked it! However, freaktab turned a blind eye to this, and for beelink there is always a green light.

Well, that is what the common ppl think, in the background we had many talks with beelink, they even stop support the forum as an advertiser.
But that is a talk to another threads and not this one.

Yes, of course, I just wanted to say that this is a business, and everyone puts his own meaning into it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I hate to digress, but that’s weird, isn’t android supposed to be open source, and anyone using it must release their code to public on demand ?

its a violation by them in that case, and they have no grounds to file a copyright claim…

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