[ROM] SC VIM3 Pie "Normal" Debug Build v8 20211122

ye of course, anyway im still thinking… i might rls a test build with it 1º so it can be tested.
Then i will decide if i will rls “officially”.
The problem in aml devices is that the “natively” support to auto frameswith is totally missing from the sdk, you need to code it yourself if you want to support it.


it’s okay, I already got used to the Khadas environment

well amlogic should had the support by themselves i still did not understand that part… why they still didn’t had it(ho A10 also does not have it…)
Anyway, one thing i can tell it will be there in my next build is the playready drm.


I understand you perfectly

Good to hear via the Grape vine your Build Server is Fixed :upside_down_face:


Hi Super! Can you add ViPER4Android to the next firmware? Thank!

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Hi @cool0007, I believe you can get ViPER from the magisk app itself…

ok, then we need Magisk, can you help?

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That is all that is required, ViPER can be installed from the Magisk app,

Install magisk, than navigate in the app for add-ons and install ViPER, now you have quality audio management :wink:

you can even do root from Magisk app, if required
I am just saying the way you can install ViPER…

cool007, asked to add it in the next firmware, but I recommending self-installation for the time being…

I have to repeat for you again, help me install Magisk, otherwise there is nothing to talk about again!

you can follow this video guide:

Magisk install here: https://magiskmanager.com/downloading-magisk-manager

buddy, can we stop this useless conversation?

Ok, but you did ask for help to install the program, I just did what I could, showing you the way… :blush:

I’m not sure, who needs your wrong path

please specify, do you plan to output sound to an external device or will the sound be from the TV?

Sorry not at the moment, i have to many builds to do (Like 16…) and i already lost to many time of porting my changes from my sdk to this newer sdk and fit them again in the changes that were made( 2x times, since my HDD played up and i corrupted my old sdk… ye pain)
Maybe in a near future who knows.


well something is coming…

This ones took long time to get done.
Btw vim3l build only when i get my new board since the one i have died.
Ho… and no TWRP in debug builds im sorry but i do not have the time to fix it to this new sdk.
PS: Playready supported only on VIM3 and VIM3L ATV builds.


Posted in the 1º post the v6 build.
Plz READ the bug section of v6.


Where would I find the Bug section?

It is in this thread’s opening post. Go to top. Look for Bug info by version.

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