Hi, friends who use Tone’s products, we will carry out some upgrades for Tone’s next year. If you have any ideas, please reply to this post and we will collect your suggestions and try to add the functions to the new firmware.
Please note the product name, such as:
Tone2 Pro add S/PDIF out function, …(More detailed description)
I can play via USB C but the app can not find the DAC from Android. The app wants me to to turn on Bluetooth and wont let me do anything until it can find a device, which it wont.
I have not updated the DAC in ages and if it was a easy task to actually check the status of the DAC from a USB Android device maybe I would. If not maybe you should give this information together with the app
Hi Fritz_Ozorian,
Do you mean that, use Khadas Audio app to connect the Tone device?
Currently, Khadas Audio app only supports Tea. The APP will add support for BT Magic in the future. BT Magic can be connected to Tone2 and Tone2 Pro, but does not support Tone1 devices. so the Khadas Audio app could control the Tone2 or Tone2 Pro via BT Magic in the future.
Hi Donanon,
We will add this function in the Tone1’s firmware update plan.
Off topic, I would like to know, when do you usually use this S/PDIF output function? Can the analog output performance of the current Tone1 DAC meet your usage requirements?
Your suggestions are helpful for our products, thanks.
Hi Donanon,
Sorry for the incorrect information earlier.We check again, this hardware not support XMOS’s S/PDIF out function.
this pin not connect to the XMOS:
Hi mush09,
It’s no application to adjust the Tone2 Pro volume at present, you could adjust the volume from system control, but this not the NJU72315’s volume control.
What version of xmos do I need to update for spdif output?
I will connect ton2 pro sipdif output to hugo2 input
CODE hugo2 accepts 3.5mm mono SPDIF input
How should I connect khadas blanced RCA (3 pole) and 3.5mm mono terminal (2 pole)?
We have debug version for S/PDIF output, and do not have formal version for it.
And how to connect khadas balanced RCA to 3.5mm headphone,I give you the definition of our balanced RCA, and I do not know which pin of your 3.5mm headphone is SPDIF.
Hi Kns35082996,
Since the firmware attachment cannot be uploaded to the post, I have sent you the firmware via private message, please check it out.
The current chip resources have been used up. When adding the S/PDIF out function, some functions need to be removed before adding it. Therefore, the new firmware removes the MQA function to add the S/PDIF out function. Please be informed.
The S/PDIF output channel supports the output of PCM44.1kHz~PCM192kHz audio sources.
In addition, I would like to know in what scenarios/purposes do you need to use the S/PDIF out function on the Tone2 Pro? Why not decode and output directly through the DAC of the Tone2 Pro?
I needed SPDIF output from the beginning
(I am using Hugo 2Go as a network player, and when watching videos such as YouTube on a PC, I need SPDIF output to connect the PC and Hugo 2Go.)
While looking for various alternatives, I found out that ton2 pro is capable of SPDIF output.
So, instead of installing a SPDIF output card on the PC, we planned to use TON2 PRO to do PCFI.
The main purpose was SPDIF output, and PCFI was the next purpose.
I am satisfied with the performance of Tone 2 Pro.
Thank you for helping me use SPDIF like this.
The balanced RCA terminal is being shipped, so I will make a cable, test it, and give feedback after the terminal arrives.
thank you for your help