@yossi Did you try enabling it inside the OS ?, something like echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio.../value
did it yield any result ?, maybe try the other I2C port,
Hmm , in that case you could try to ask khadas @Terry for more help regarding that, does it really matter that the GPIO is in HIGH state even in the Boot (logo) phase?, if you don’t mind, could you tell me why you are using it ? I could try to suggest some alternative
I want to learn to disable and use it for other purposes such as turning on and off the modem. actually this doesn’t matter because I can control it in the OS. but I am very curious, why that happened.
when booting the logo, the process is in linux or uboot? @Electr1
@yossi You might want to ask @Terry for more info on that, I am only sure that is the problem, but I don’t think you can modify that, while booting the GPIOs might all get pulled down at that state then only to whatever state they were programmed to be in.