Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?
Android 14 built from sources
Please describe your issue below:
I can flash and boot Khadas’ Android 14 image vim4-android-14-v241105.img.xz on both VIM4 and VIM4N using burn-tool on Linux.
I can build Android 14 successfully (bootloader, kernel, android) based on the Build Android 14 instructions.
But I cannot flash the image I build, I can only flash Khadas’ image. I have attached the serial logs produced during the flashing and I can see that when flashing my image the VIM4 seems to reboot while loading bl33… why?
Post a console log of your issue below:
Tip, load the logs side by side in meld
or similar diff tool…
Khadas flash log:
[ 3816.923645][4 T244 ..] input input6: key 172 down
[ 3817.051474][4 T244 ..] input input6: key 172 up
[ 3817.243548][4 T244 ..] input input6: key 172 down
[ 3817.307693][4 T244 ..] input input6: key 172 up
[ 3817.371514][4 T244 ..] input input6: key 172 down
[ 3817.535542][4 T244 ..] input input6: key 172 up
[ 3817.596871][0 T263 ..] type=1400 audit(1738754694.612:14771): avc: denied { write } for comm="droid.launcher3" name="property_service" dev="tmpfs" ino=386 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:property_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1 app=com.android.launcher3
[ 3817.601821][0 T263 ..] type=1400 audit(1738754694.612:14772): avc: denied { connectto } for comm="droid.launcher3" path="/dev/socket/property_service" scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1 app=com.android.launcher3
[ 3817.607435][0 T263 ..] type=1107 audit(1738754694.612:14773): uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:init:s0 msg='avc: denied { set } for property=sys.launcher.state pid=1392 uid=10057 gid=10057 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_prop:s0 tclass=property_service permissive=1'
Bl2_early_platform_setup: indicates bl2ex flow!
failed to read efuse, set the default voltage:0.84v
OTP_LIC00 : 0f0300000000ff1f2f000b0000000000
OTP_LIC10 : 008207000001fc000c00001000000300
OTP_LIC20 : ffffffbfffff0700ff80008003000003
OTP_LIC30 : 00000002010000008f03000203000000
TE: 7553629
BL2 Built : 01:52:24, Jul 17 2024. t7 projects/openlinux/ds/u-amlogic-t7c g98970ff0 - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
Board ID = 6
Set sys clock to 24Mhz
syspll is 2016Mhz. Locked
sys1pll is 1608Mhz. Locked
Set sys clock to 167Mhz
gp0pll is 0Mhz. Locked
hifipll is 491Mhz. Locked
boot area list:
1STBLOB 00000000 00040000
BL2E 00040000 00013000
BL2X 00053000 00011000
DDRFIP 00064000 00040000
DEVFIP 000a4000 00300000
storage_usb_init !
DDR driver_vesion: AML_S_PHY_T7_1_25 build time: Jul 17 2024 01:52:17
Cfg max: 2, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
cpu0_gic_init done
start ao cpu:
Wait AO...done.
ap ao cmd ok
DDR size: 3584MB
DDR size: 3584MB
INFO: bl2_load_bl2ex start!
INFO: load ...
Load: BL2E From: USB - 1.0 src: 00002000, dst: 00fffff0, size: 00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00000000
INFO: check ...
INFO: load ...
Load: BL2X From: USB - 1.0 src: 00000000, dst: 007ffff0, size: 00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00000000
INFO: check ...
run into bl2e
info: get valid params from BL2 !
BL2E: do things as vendor specific ...
Hello world, now in BL2E
TE: 15133488
BL2E Built : 09:56:25, Jul 16 2024. t7 projects/openlinux/ds/u-amlogic gbff5dfb - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
Start to do bl2e platform setup !
aml log : BL2E load BL3X.....
TE: 15135611
usb load fip_hdr:000a4000 00008000
usb load fip header ok
usb load fip_dev:000ac000 0026c260
usb load fip dev ok
aml log : BL2E loading BL3X is done...!
boot bl2x
params to bl2x, address=0x0100d140
Hello, we are in BL2X world !
TE: 16807338
BL2X Built : 11:37:21, Apr 25 2024. t7 projects/amlogic-dev g767c913 - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
Not loading secpu fw
bl2e_2 entry: 010000c0
run into bl31
NOTICE: BL31: start aocpu
AOCPU: configure PMP for memory 0xf7021000 ~ 0xf702e800
AOCPU: configure PMP end
Starting AOCPU FreeRTOS...
AOCPU image version='khadas-vim4-android14 6ef47ccc851d3fc84ab3e30ba47ca4cf30b80329 18:11:24 2024-11-05'
[AOCPU]: mailbox init start
[AOCPU]: mailbox init end
[AOCPU Led]: leds state init!
[AOCPU Led]: Starting leds task ...
Starting timer ...
Starting task scheduler ...
NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):843ecfa49
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 05:58:36, May 11 2024. t7 projects/openlinux/ds/u-amlogic-1.3 g843ecfa49 - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor2 = 9600009e
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor3 = 96000081
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor4 = 960000b4
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor5 = 960000ab
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor6 = 960000ff
[mhu]: mhu_init-v1
NOTICE: BL31: T7 normal boot!
NOTICE: BL31: BL33 decompress pass
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: ATOS-V3.8.0-1604cab4b-bl.autobuild@walle02-sh (gcc version 8.3.0 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 (arm-rel-8.36))) #1 Fri 08 Mar 2024 07:59:12 AM UTC arm
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: secure time TEE
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: Chip: T7 Rev: B (36:B - 0:3)
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: Secure Timer Initialized.
boot bl33 !
Hello world, Now in BL33Z.
reboot reason: 0x00
normal boot.
RUN back to bl33 uboot!
env_init: Environment STORAGE init done (ret=-2)
U-Boot 2019.01-g6ef47ccc851-dirty (Nov 05 2024 - 18:11:16 +0800)
Relocation Offset is: dfd68000
Relocating to dfd68000, new gd at d9d575c0, sp at d9800000
mapping memory 0x00000000d9a00000-0x00000000d9c00000 non-cached
My image’s flash log:
[ 106.167505][6 T138 ..] input input6: key 172 down
[ 106.359499][6 T138 ..] input input6: key 172 up
[ 106.527692][6 T138 ..] input input6: key 172 down
[ 106.623502][6 T138 ..] input input6: key 172 up
[ 106.815529][6 T138 ..] input input6: key 172 down
[ 106.847698][6 T138 ..] input input6: key 172 up
[ 106.915464][1 T261 ..] type=1400 audit(1738759682.912:2201): avc: denied { write } for comm="droid.launcher3" name="property_service" dev="tmpfs" ino=386 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:property_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=1 app=com.android.launcher3
[ 106.946016][0 T261 ..] type=1400 audit(1738759682.912:2202): avc: denied { connectto } for comm="droid.launcher3" path="/dev/socket/property_service" scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=1 app=com.android.launcher3
Bl2_early_platform_setup: indicates bl2ex flow!
failed to read efuse, set the default voltage:0.84v
OTP_LIC00 : 0f0300000000ff1f2f000b0000000000
OTP_LIC10 : 008207000001fc000c00001000000300
OTP_LIC20 : ffffffbfffff0700ff80008003000003
OTP_LIC30 : 00000002010000008f03000203000000
TE: 10227230
BL2 Built : 01:52:24, Jul 17 2024. t7 projects/openlinux/ds/u-amlogic-t7c g98970ff0 - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
Board ID = 6
Set sys clock to 24Mhz
syspll is 2016Mhz. Locked
sys1pll is 1608Mhz. Locked
Set sys clock to 167Mhz
gp0pll is 0Mhz. Locked
hifipll is 491Mhz. Locked
boot area list:
1STBLOB 00000000 00040000
BL2E 00040000 00013000
BL2X 00053000 00011000
DDRFIP 00064000 00040000
DEVFIP 000a4000 00300000
storage_usb_init !
DDR driver_vesion: AML_S_PHY_T7_1_25 build time: Jul 17 2024 01:52:17
Cfg max: 2, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
cpu0_gic_init done
start ao cpu:
Wait AO...done.
ap ao cmd ok
DDR size: 3584MB
DDR size: 3584MB
INFO: bl2_load_bl2ex start!
INFO: load ...
Load: BL2E From: USB - 1.0 src: 00002000, dst: 00fffff0, size: 00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00000000
INFO: check ...
INFO: load ...
Load: BL2X From: USB - 1.0 src: 00000000, dst: 007ffff0, size: 00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00011000
complete_block_request, total size:00000000
INFO: check ...
run into bl2e
info: get valid params from BL2 !
BL2E: do things as vendor specific ...
Hello world, now in BL2E
TE: 17798471
BL2E Built : 09:56:25, Jul 16 2024. t7 projects/openlinux/ds/u-amlogic gbff5dfb - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
Start to do bl2e platform setup !
aml log : BL2E load BL3X.....
TE: 17800594
usb load fip_hdr:000a4000 00008000
usb load fip header ok
usb load fip_dev:000ac000 0026c260
usb load fip dev ok
aml log : BL2E loading BL3X is done...!
boot bl2x
params to bl2x, address=0x0100d140
Hello, we are in BL2X world !
TE: 19597048
BL2X Built : 11:37:21, Apr 25 2024. t7 projects/amlogic-dev g767c913 - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
Not loading secpu fw
bl2e_2 entry: 010000c0
run into bl31
NOTICE: BL31: start aocpu
AOCPU: configure PMP for memory 0xf7021000 ~ 0xf702e800
AOCPU: configure PMP end
Starting AOCPU FreeRTOS...
AOCPU image version='(HEAD 6ef47ccc851d3fc84ab3e30ba47ca4cf30b80329 15:02:22 2025-02-03'
[AOCPU]: mailbox init start
[AOCPU]: mailbox init end
[AOCPU Led]: leds state init!
[AOCPU Led]: Starting leds task ...
Starting timer ...
Starting task scheduler ...
NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):843ecfa49
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 05:58:36, May 11 2024. t7 projects/openlinux/ds/u-amlogic-1.3 g843ecfa49 - bl.autobuild@walle02-sh
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor2 = 9600009e
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor3 = 96000081
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor4 = 960000b4
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor5 = 960000ab
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor6 = 960000ff
[mhu]: mhu_init-v1
NOTICE: BL31: T7 normal boot!
NOTICE: BL31: BL33 decompress pass
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: ATOS-V3.8.0-1604cab4b-bl.autobuild@walle02-sh (gcc version 8.3.0 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 (arm-rel-8.36))) #1 Fri 08 Mar 2024 07:59:12 AM UTC arm
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: secure time TEE
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: Chip: T7 Rev: B (36:B - 0:3)
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: Secure Timer Initialized.
boot bl33 !
Bl2_early_platform_setup: indicates bl2ex flow!
failed to read efuse, set the default voltage:0.83v
OTP_LIC00 : 0f0300000000ff1f2f000b0000000000
OTP_LIC10 : 008207000001fc000c00001000000300
OTP_LIC20 : ffffffbfffff0700ff80008003000003
OTP_LIC30 : 00000002010000008f03000203000000
TE: 364310
BL2 Built : 15:55:21, Sep 13 2022. t7 origin/master g80f6117 - jenkins@walle02-sh
Board ID = 6
Set sys clock to 24Mhz
syspll is 1512Mhz. Locked
sys1pll is 1608Mhz. Locked
Set sys clock to 167Mhz
gp0pll is 0Mhz. Locked
boot area list:
1STBLOB 00000000 00040000
BL2E 00080000 00013000
BL2X 000a6000 00011000
DDRFIP 000c8000 00040000
DEVFIP 00148000 00300000
storage_spinor_init !
derive RSPK OK
DDR driver_vesion: AML_S_PHY_T7_1_18 build time: Sep 13 2022 15:55:10
ddr id: 0
ddr clk to 2016MHz
ch0 clk 2016
ch1 clk 2016PIEI done
Cfg max: 2, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
ddr clk to 2016MHz
Check phy result
INFO : End of CA training
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read enable training
INFO : End of fine write leveling
INFO : End of read dq deskew training
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization
INFO : End of Write leveling coarse delay
INFO : End of write delay center optimization
INFO : End of read delay center optimization
INFO : End of max read latency training
INFO : Training has run successfully!
ch0 1D training succeed
Check phy result
INFO : End of CA training
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read enable training
INFO : End of fine write leveling
INFO : End of read dq deskew training
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization
INFO : End of Write leveling coarse delay
INFO : End of write delay center optimization
INFO : End of read delay center optimization
INFO : End of max read latency training
INFO : Training has run successfully!
ch1 1D training succeed
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
R0_Rx=10 steps R0_Tx=10 steps Vref_Margin_R0=18 Dramvref_Margin_R0=21
R0_Rx=11 steps R0_Tx=11 steps Vref_Margin_R0=19 Dramvref_Margin_R0=22
soc_vref_reg_value 0x 0000001e 0000001f 0000001f 00000020 00000021 0000001e 00000022 0000001f 00000020 0000001f 00000020 00000020 00000021 00000020 00000020 0000001f 00000020 0000001f 00000020 0000001e 0000001f 00000020 0000001f 0000001f 00000020 00000020 00000020 00000021 00000020 00000021 00000020 00000020
mr19=00000004 dram_vref_reg_value 0x 00000008
ch0 2D training succeed
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
R0_Rx=8 steps R0_Tx=9 steps Vref_Margin_R0=18 Dramvref_Margin_R0=20
R0_Rx=11 steps R0_Tx=10 steps Vref_Margin_R0=19 Dramvref_Margin_R0=21
soc_vref_reg_value 0x 00000021 00000020 00000022 00000022 00000022 00000020 00000023 00000020 00000023 00000022 00000021 00000022 00000023 00000021 00000024 00000020 00000021 00000020 00000022 00000021 00000020 00000021 00000021 00000022 00000021 00000021 00000021 00000021 0000001f 00000022 00000021 00000021
mr19=00000004 dram_vref_reg_value 0x 00000008
ch1 2D training succeed
100bdlr_step_size ps== 413
100bdlr_step_size ps== 420
cpu0_gic_init done
start ao cpu:
Wait AO...done.
dram_size_config==10001000ap ao cmd ok
DDR cs0 size: 2048MB
DDR cs1 size: 2048MB
DMC_DDR_CTRL: 00e00044DDR size: 3584MB
DDR cs0 size: 2048MB
DDR cs1 size: 2048MB
DMC_DDR_CTRL: 00e00044DDR size: 3584MB
result report
non-sec scramble use random key
scramble use random key
ddr scramble enabled
INFO: bl2_load_bl2ex start!
INFO: load ...
Load: BL2E From: SPINOR - 2.0 src: 00002000, dst: 00fffff0, size: 00011000
INFO: check ...
aml log : dump from buffer 01000000
56 d9 25 42 e3 66 20 59 34 60 7c ab a7 53 de 08
78 8e 84 3a 8a 98 b7 26 a1 bf 63 5d 79 44 1f 75
INFO: load ...
Load: BL2X From: SPINOR - 2.0 src: 00000000, dst: 007ffff0, size: 00011000
INFO: check ...
aml log : dump from buffer 00800000
dc 2c fc e6 5b fd 25 3a a5 0c c2 b2 3f 72 cc c8
0b a3 b5 b9 cf 47 49 f5 e3 28 8c a5 84 ac 9d 1d
run into bl2e
info: get valid params from BL2 !
BL2E: do things as vendor specific ...
Hello world, now in BL2E
TE: 1332826
BL2E Built : 12:23:58, Sep 9 2022. t7 origin/master g0a0ad46 - jenkins@walle02-sh
Start to do bl2e platform setup !
boot area list:
1STBLOB 00000000 00040000
BL2E 00080000 00013000
BL2X 000a6000 00011000
DDRFIP 000c8000 00040000
DEVFIP 00148000 00300000
aml log : BL2E load BL3X.....
TE: 1336260
Load FIP HDR from SPI, src: 0x00000000, des: 0x00300000, size: 0x00008000, part: 0
Load BL3X from SPI, src: 0x00008000, des: 0x00308000, size: 0x0026c260, part: 0
bl30 payload size: 0x00010260
bl30 memcpy
bl40 payload size: 0x00018470
bl31 payload size: 0x00040470
bl32 payload size: 0x00080470
bl33 memcpy
bl33 payload size: 0x00180260 offset: 0x000f4000
aml log : BL2E loading BL3X is done...!
boot bl2x
params to bl2x, address=0x0100d190
Hello, we are in BL2X world !
TE: 4072836
BL2X Built : 19:48:00, Aug 18 2022. t7 origin/master g161cca2 - jenkins@walle02-sh
INFO: get valid list_blobinfo, 0x0100d190
Info: get valid bl31 payload info, address= 0x00332000 size= 0x00040470
Info: bl31 image is now ready !
Info: get valid bl40 payload info, address= 0x00319000 size= 0x00018470
bl2e_2 entry: 010000c0
run into bl31
NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):82fe3e48d
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 10:34:03, Nov 4 2022. t7 remotes/firmware/amlogic-dev-1.3 g82fe3e48d - jenkins@walle02-sh
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor1 = 96000062
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor2 = 9600009e
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor3 = 96000081
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor4 = 960000b4
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor5 = 960000ab
BL31:tsensor calibration: tsensor6 = 960000ff
[mhu]: mhu_init-v1
[mhu]: 0xfe007100, 0x12120210
[mhu]: 0xfe007104, 0x12121002
[mhu]: 0xfe00710c, 0xa0a0802
[mhu]: 0xfe007118, 0x12120210
[mhu]: 0xfe00711c, 0x12121002
[mhu]: 0xfe007120, 0x10101010
[mhu]: 0xfe007124, 0x10101010
[mhu]: 0xfe007020, 0x3
[mhu]: 0xfe007028, 0x10
[mhu]: 0xfe007024, 0x8
[mhu]: 0xfe00702c, 0x10
[mhu]: 0xfe007040, 0x9089
[mhu]: 0xfe007044, 0x0
[mhu]: 0xfe007048, 0x660
[mhu]: 0xfe00704c, 0x0
[mhu]: 0xfe007050, 0x90006
[mhu]: 0xfe007054, 0x0
[mhu]: 0xfe007058, 0x66000
[mhu]: 0xfe00705c, 0x0
[mhu]: mhu_init-v1 1230 done
NOTICE: BL31: T7 normal boot!
NOTICE: BL31: BL33 decompress pass
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: ATOS-V3.8.0-ff9afab78 (gcc version 8.3.0 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 8.3-2019.03 (arm-rel-8.36))) #1 Mon 31 Oct 2022 06:56:43 AM UTC arm
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: secure time TEE
E/TC:0 00 INFO: BL3-2: Chip: T7 Rev: B (36:B - 0:3)
Hello world again, bl2e meet you guys!
valid entry info for bl33, pc = 0x00000000
======== smc start aocpu ========
Starting AOCPU FreeRTOS...
AOCPU image version='khadas-vims-v2019.01.new 3da078348284cb36f8100d0173fdddcb95c6308b 10:46:00 2023-03-09'
[AOCPU]: mailbox init start
reg idx=0 cmd=6 handler=f7023092
reg idx=1 cmd=7 handler=f702307c
[AOCPU]: mailbox init end
[AOCPU Led]: leds state init!
reg idx=2 cmd=f7 handler=f7023d16
[AOCPU Led]: Starting leds task ...
Starting timer ...
reg idx=3 cmd=b4 handler=f7025ae2
reg idx=4 cmd=b5 handler=f7025a7a
reg idx=5 cmd=b6 handler=f702557a
reg idx=6 cmd=bb handler=f702553a
reg idx=7 cmd=bc handler=f702555a
reg idx=8 cmd=11 handler=f7021094
reg idx=9 cmd=12 handler=f70210b6
reg idx=10 cmd=35 handler=f70219d0
reg idx=11 cmd=4 handler=f702135a
reg idx=12 cmd=30 handler=f7021324
reg idx=13 cmd=31 handler=f7021334
reg idx=14 cmd=40 handler=f7021338
reg idx=15 cmd=f9 handler=f70213e8
Starting task scheduler ...
boot bl33 !
env_init: Environment STORAGE init done (ret=-2)
U-Boot 2019.01 (Mar 09 2023 - 10:45:55 +0800)