From today (01 04 2019) opens a pre-order for a unique set. It consists of EDGE-V-Mini + heatsinc + fan + case + power supply + remote control = $ 99. Offer is limited. Details about EDGE-V-Mini (RK3399). This is a new modification with unique features that will allow you to use this model as a TV box with Android or LibreELEC. Or Armbian mode full miniPC with DE or as a server. Or as a multi-functional device in 3-in-one mode (Android + LibreELEC + Armbian or other Linux variant).
You can request it in this thread indicating the ordered number of sets, or write in PM to me or @Gouwa
In the shop, there is no Edge-V-M. Is -M for the Max version?
If so this offer is very big deal, but pre-odering at full price (229$ only for the board) and then asking to pay here for 99$ does not seem very comforting. Moreover there is no case and no remote in the shop for the Edge-V. So I don’t see how to order this kit.
Is it possible to have more details about this Edge-V-Mini?
It might be smaller than the edge-V, but is there an m2 nvme slot and what is the emmc and ram size?
Is there a multi-boot to get the 3-in-one mode you talk about or is it install 3 OSes to the board?
Overall dimensions are exactly the same as the EDGE-V. This is a prerequisite for the compatibility of other components (radiator, fan and housing). Yes, M2 NVMe slot is available. I will prepare the rest of the details for you tomorrow.
Let’s summarize the action. Real interest was shown by one user is @jeanrhum If he is really interested in this option, it has the ability to obtain specified in the first message set at a specified price (this is no joke). The inaccuracy in the message was guessed by @RDFTKV so he also has the opportunity to get this kit at the same price. Open secret, the difference with real price will be covered by expense of my funds, which were announced in appropriate topic.
There are two options for obtaining a kit, EDGE-V Basic or Pro .
Hi Robert. There is no such kit yet. But I hope that there may be an option with a price close to this value.
Not all components will be included, but the basic can meet this price.
It almost had to be the price, it is just too good.
I was going to go for it, but the fear of being April Fooled was too much to bear.
You are very generous to offer such a prize as the $99 package. However, I cannot accept, the effort you put into Khadas already has me feeling greedy, and I cannot bear the guilt.
Though, like you, I think a budget Edge bundle would be nice to see in the future.
Hey. You’ve helped me a lot (not just with Khadas ) so it’s normal that you get such a kit. Especially since I was going later to publish the information that I send all the bonuses and prizes to the General Fund (back to Khadas for development). And I want to publish - this year I exclude myself from the list of applicants for these prizes and bonuses. I get everything I need to work from Khadas. Therefore, it is fair that all other users have equal opportunities to receive the main prize.
Please @jeanrhum@RDFTKV indicate which model you want to get in the kit. Pay attention to understand. Basic now has full support in the main kernel (Armbian), including Wi-Fi access. The model Pro not yet Wi-Fi is available in Armbian.
Ok, so if I understand, it’s not a new board, but the existing edge-v.
I already greatly appreciate your work with armbian s9XXX and don’t want to abuse with this offer but I’d prefer the pro version since I’d like to use it as a desktop and make heavy computations.
The price you propose is clearly relevant when looking at the existing (from more than one year) tv-box based on this soc. With the current proposition we have a sbc being usable as a tv box also.
You should never give up this opportunity. RK3399 is a very interesting option. You can use it as a full PC. And it can be taken with you (+mini keyboard) and connect to any TV. It’s even better than a laptop. The size and weight are many times smaller. Can be connected anywhere (in the hotel) to an existing TV via HDMI and used as a powerful media player and as a minicomputer.
I understood correctly that you will be satisfied with the Pro option ? By the way, the difference between Pro and Max is only in the size of eMMC, but taking into account the ability to connect a very fast NVMe media with any desired size (up to 2terabytes), if there are no strict restrictions on the weight of the equipment (for example, for drones) this is the best option.