Poor video quality on Android portrait mode

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Hello. I’m using a 270 degree screen rotation in khadas settings. When I’m in portrait mode, the quality of all the videos in the YouTube app is very poor.
If I play a 4K video in the YouTube app, I can see the difference better. The same goes for local videos in the built-in Gallery app. However, they look fine in landscape mode. If I go to the YouTube site in the Chrome browser and run a 4K video, it looks great.
I’m also developing a video recording app via webcam. The same problem occurs here. The video quality looks great only in landscape mode. When I transfer this video to another computer or phone to play, the quality is still good.
Any idea why this is happening?

@Junu_M I will follow up on this issue.

When tested with a third-party video player, the quality was poor with the HW decoder. But good with the SW decoder.

@Junu_M The local video player uses the video layer to play videos. The third-party application uses the OSD layer to play videos. If you want to use a horizontal screen monitor vertically, it is not recommended to use it for such projects. There will be a series of problems during video playback. It’s not just the problem you mentioned.