Pinout details of the JST-GH connectors on the Edge 2 IO module

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Edge2 Ubuntu 22.04 Linux 5.10 V1.6.2-240110 Release

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What the pinout of the 2pins and 4pins JST-GH connectors on the Edge 2 IO module? Thank you!

Hello @Whabilly

You can check the information here: - Index of /products/add-ons/edge2-io/

Thanks @numbqq . I am aware of the information you linked to, but it does not detail the PCB pinout for the CON3 and CON6 connectors. I am making my own cables so I have to make sure I am providing the right signal to the right pin… specially for the USB2.0 connector (CON6). I can make some guess but I would prefer to refer to some official documentation.

Hello again, I just need confirmation of the pinout for the USB 2.0 connector (CON6). Is the pinout shown on the attached picture correct? Thanks!
Edge2 IO Module - CON6 Pinouts - Small

Hello @Whabilly

The pin marked with triangle is PIN1, so the PIN1 is VCC_5V0

Glad I asked as I incorrectly thought that the pin marked with triangle was GND…

Hello @numbqq, I can confirm that the pinout information you provided is correct as I have been able to connect and use a USB camera from the USB 2.0 connector (CON6) on the Edge2 IO module.

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