Hi all,
has someone from khadas or from elsewhere tried to create an optimal (meaning free of any garbage related to hardware not on the board but including all necessary options to support 100% of the on board chips ) ?
This would save valuable time and space during the build processes.
In the past, I had created a shell script with ed commands to filter out unneeded options from the VIM1 ubuntu config file, i must not be the only one to have done that so please share your hints…
tks !
u talking about linux kernel config ?
yes sir!
yes !
i think we must have several variants kernel configs
and user can choose any config variant for build kernel
maybe fenix 0.8.3 includes all vim boards configs today !?
when you do the source enc/setenv.sh from docker, you can choose a board to target,
but is not so clear where are the board specific kernel config files and how they become defconfig and then ,config afterwards
do you have an opinion, @numbqq ?
@Spikerguy, could you provide your current vim1 (pro) defconfig (and eventually the patchset and other tweaks you use for manjaro builds) if you think the kernel we can build out of them has all the features of the board running well ? i woukd like to use fenix tools to build uptodate mainline kernel + buster
tks in advance!
Please thank @balbes150 for maintaining kernel for most of the Amlogic device.
I have just been packaging it for Manjaro(Arch) Linux.
We maintain the package in our gitlab manjaro repo. I use linux-vim
for Vim1, Vim2, Vim3 and Edge-V
I’d argue there is no such thing as “an optimal defconfig” since there’s a minimum config needed to get the device to boot, and then the rest depends on your application/use-case and what that needs. Optimal configs for Armbian vs. Manjaro vs. LibreELEC will be quite different.