运行OpenCV DNN Usage导致死机

Which Khadas SBC do you use?


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Ubuntu 22.04

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

[generic] vim3-ubuntu-22.04-gnome-linux-6.0-fenix-1.3-221118.img.xz

Please describe your issue below:


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按照文档描述的make成功后运行,./detect-image …/…/image/face.jpeg …/…/model/yunet_int8.onnx,直接就死机, 然后鼠标键盘没反应, 让它运行几个小时后依然死机状态。
使用USB摄像头(摄像头测试成功),./detect-image 0 …/…/model/yunet_int8.onnx 也一样死机。
调式得知,卡死在这句:net.forward(output_blobs, output_names);
