Onnx model conversion

Which Khadas SBC do you use?


Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?


Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

(Khadas official images) vim3-ubuntu-20.04-gnome-linux-4.9-fenix-1.1.2-220930-emmc.img

Please describe your issue below:

To use NPU, keras(MobileNetV3)->onnx->NPU(KSNN) conversion was carried out.

The conversion was successful, but the output is strange when actually using the model.

The ONNX model before conversion is used normally.

I don’t know what is the cause.

can you help me?

Post a console log of your issue below:

The terminal command used for conversion:

./convert --model-name o1 --platform onnx --model q10_221018.onnx --input-size-list '244,244,3' --inputs input_1  --mean-values '0 0 0 0.00392156' --quantized-dtype asymmetric_affine --source-files ./data/dataset2/data.txt --kboard VIM3 --print-level 1

ONNX code (python) before conversion:

onnx_model = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("q10_221018.onnx")


image1 = cv2.resize(frame, (224, 224))
image1 = image1[..., ::-1]

x = np.expand_dims(image1, axis=0).astype(np.float32)

x = x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]
feed = dict([(input.name, x[n]) for n, input in enumerate(onnx_model.get_inputs())])

yhat_ = onnx_model.run(None, feed)



	[array([[0.04316498, 0.91322935, 0.04360576]], dtype=float32)]

KSNN code (python) after conversion:

mobilenet_v3 = KSNN('VIM3')
mobilenet_v3.nn_init(library="./models/libnn_o1.so", model="./models/o1.nb", level=0)


image1 = cv2.resize(frame, (224, 224))
image1 = image1[..., ::-1]  

x = np.expand_dims(image1, axis=0).astype(np.float32)

yhat_ = mobilenet_v3.nn_inference(x, platform = 'ONNX', reorder='0 1 2', output_format=output_format.OUT_FORMAT_FLOAT32)



	[array([0.7128906 , 0.06658936, 0.22058105], dtype=float32)]

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@muffin Maybe you can try with this, we have a mobilnet demo with caffe.

Why you use those parameters?

Thank you for answer. We’ll follow that example later.

It seems that it was because the conversion did not proceed when I tried to convert without “–mean-values”.

The default value suggested in the example was (128 128 128 0.0078125), but conversion using this value also did not work properly.

example referenced

$ ./convert --model-name inception
–platform tensorflow
–model /home/yan/yan/Yan/models-zoo/tensorflow/inception/inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen.pb
–input-size-list ‘299,299,3’
–inputs input
–outputs InceptionV3/Predictions/Reshape_1
–mean-values ‘128 128 128 0.0078125’
–quantized-dtype asymmetric_affine
–source-files ./data/dataset/dataset0.txt
–kboard VIM3 --print-level 0