OldNavi Guitar ML AMP/CAB simulator project - Khadas’ 1st Community Competition

Warning: Long read!!!

Chapter I. «The Kernel and latencies»

Preambula: It is an experimental project with an outcome to be pretty unknown - it may succeed or it may fail. Who knows :-). And in any case it will take a bit more time to research and implement so I’ve started a bit earlier rather than February timeline.

Well, to get a really working solution with a «almost» realtime audio DSP on Khadas board - stock kernel isn’t good. As everybody knows signal processing require timing guaranties, It means that hardware and software events like IRQs from audio codecs should reach user process as quick as possible and in absolutely in reliable manner. Standard kernel isn’t good for that (it is not a problem of just Linux itself - it is general issue on most modern OSes)

So what to do here ? We need a kernel with timing guaranties and lowest possible latency for interrupt-to-process event. That means that we need 2 aspects implemented in a kernel -
1/. We need a realtime scheduling for all pieces of work (user threads, kernel threads and so on) - PREEMPTIVE_RT kernel option could be helpful here but it not just enough.
2/ We need also another way to handle IRQs -with ability to deliver it as quick as possible - nothing can be found in standard kernel.

Luckily there was a lot of job done in the past in area of realtime kernels. It is a Xenomai project xenomai.org which creates a almost true realtime kernel, however it is bit outdated and doesn’t support newer kernel. Its successor EVL project (also known as Xenomai 4) http://evlproject.org is to the rescue.

So, at first I was going to create a Xenomai RT kernel based on Amlogc vendor kernel 4.9. as it have everything for Amlogic SOC including TS050 panel working. However spending 3 weeks trying to adopt Xenomai kernel to Amlogic kernel version - I gave up, too much changes required because Amlogic added so many changes into the Linux kernel and it will take really huge amount of work to do.

So I decide to go to mainline kernel. I understood that I’ll loose some functionality like TS050 (that hurts badly ) but that in any case this is a future :-). Dealing with mainline kernel is much easier to merge Xenomai kernel codebase (as they already have mainline kernel source with incorporated changes)

So I took Fenix build script and slightly modified it, adding yet another configuration. Also I created another package in Fenix directory pointing to Xenomai RT kernel and incorporating latest Khadas patches. And after a week or so I finally got a dual Realtime kernel based on Xenomai and Amlogic/Khadas patches.

Dual kernel configuration means - that there are 2 kernel running together on the same SOC, realtime (so called Out-Of-Band kernel) and non-realtime (In-Band-Kernel) legacy kernel and have a common so called IRQ-pipeline (Dovetail Project). To familiarize yourself - please have a look to http://evlproject.org wiki pages. In my setup I’ve assigned 2 CPUs to inband kernel and 2 CPUs to out-of-band kernel. Hope when Khadas give me a VIM3 sample - I’ll use 4 small cores for inband kernel and 4 big cores for realtime kernel

What is interesting - that switching to RT kernel exposed some legacy drivers misbehavior (as in RT kernel no IRQs can be masked out). So booted with default drivers showed some unpleasant picture of CPU usage on Inband assigned CPU. Most of the CPU consumption was generated by Broadcom firmware driver (sic) - so as result I’ve blacklisted that module - (no plans for Wifi at the moment ).
Htop results with all drivers loaded

Broadcom drivers unloaded

EVL (aka Xenomai 4) has a buit-in tools to measure how good system is to handle interrupt to process latencies. So let measure them using builtin latmus utility, but before do calibration tasks

Idle mode: No apps running - CPU usage idle

Running latency test

# test started on: Wed Dec 22 10:55:45 2021
# Linux version 5.15.0 (root@OldNavi) (aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) 9.2.1 20191025, GNU ld (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) #1.0.7 SMP IRQPIPE Thu Dec 16 10:55:48 MSK 2021
# root=UUID=29631686-a319-4357-b990-9234333a47a2 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=writeback rw ubootpart=715e90c6-01 console=ttyAML0,115200n8  no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 loglevel=0 logo=osd0,loaded,0x3d800000,panel vout=panel,enable hdmimode=1080p60hz  fbcon=rotate:90 fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0  wol_enable=0  jtag=disable mac=c8:63:14:71:2b:98  fan=auto khadas_board=VIM3L hwver=VIM3.V12 coherent_pool=2M pci=pcie_bus_perf reboot_mode=cold_boot imagetype=SD-USB uboottype=vendor splash quiet plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.handoff=7 isolcpus=2,3 evl.oob_cpus=2
# libevl version: evl.0 -- #41dc88a (2021-08-21 18:13:57 +0200)
# sampling period: 1000 microseconds
# clock gravity: 500i 1000k 2500u
# clocksource: arch_sys_counter
# vDSO access: architected
# context: user
# thread priority: 98
# thread affinity: CPU3
# C-state restricted
# duration (hhmmss): 00:00:49
# peak (hhmmss): 00:00:02
# min latency: 0.052
# avg latency: 0.344
# max latency: 8.575
# sample count: 49468
0 49364
1 52
2 0
3 26
4 21
5 1
6 2
7 1
8 1

No apps are running here, and results are astonishing - in some cases it is just 80 nanoseconds latency from interrupt to the user process.
Histogram data

High load - run stress test with heitic forcing 10 microsecond context switching…
Turning on some stress load using heitic utility with 200 miscroseconds context switch - 100% CPU utilization

# test started on: Wed Dec 22 11:26:36 2021
# Linux version 5.15.0 (root@OldNavi) (aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) 9.2.1 20191025, GNU ld (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) #1.0.7 SMP IRQPIPE Thu Dec 16 10:55:48 MSK 2021
# root=UUID=29631686-a319-4357-b990-9234333a47a2 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=writeback rw ubootpart=715e90c6-01 console=ttyAML0,115200n8  no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 loglevel=0 logo=osd0,loaded,0x3d800000,panel vout=panel,enable hdmimode=1080p60hz  fbcon=rotate:90 fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0  wol_enable=0  jtag=disable mac=c8:63:14:71:2b:98  fan=auto khadas_board=VIM3L hwver=VIM3.V12 coherent_pool=2M pci=pcie_bus_perf reboot_mode=cold_boot imagetype=SD-USB uboottype=vendor splash quiet plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.handoff=7 isolcpus=2,3 evl.oob_cpus=2
# libevl version: evl.0 -- #41dc88a (2021-08-21 18:13:57 +0200)
# sampling period: 1000 microseconds
# clock gravity: 500i 1000k 2500u
# clocksource: arch_sys_counter
# vDSO access: architected
# context: user
# thread priority: 98
# thread affinity: CPU3
# C-state restricted
# duration (hhmmss): 00:00:37
# peak (hhmmss): 00:00:36
# min latency: 6.554
# avg latency: 9.504
# max latency: 13.850
# sample count: 36570
6 8
7 836
8 9973
9 16235
10 7374
11 1936
12 196
13 12

Histogram of IRQs timing

High load (all CPU at 100%)- run stress test with heitic forcing 10 microsecond context switching…
Same as previous but now context switching at maximum with 10 microseconds between ctx switcher plus adding CPU cache wiping with dd utility

Context switching per CPU - 1 second sampling period

Test details

# test started on: Wed Dec 22 11:28:14 2021
# Linux version 5.15.0 (root@OldNavi) (aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) 9.2.1 20191025, GNU ld (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) #1.0.7 SMP IRQPIPE Thu Dec 16 10:55:48 MSK 2021
# root=UUID=29631686-a319-4357-b990-9234333a47a2 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=writeback rw ubootpart=715e90c6-01 console=ttyAML0,115200n8  no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 loglevel=0 logo=osd0,loaded,0x3d800000,panel vout=panel,enable hdmimode=1080p60hz  fbcon=rotate:90 fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0  wol_enable=0  jtag=disable mac=c8:63:14:71:2b:98  fan=auto khadas_board=VIM3L hwver=VIM3.V12 coherent_pool=2M pci=pcie_bus_perf reboot_mode=cold_boot imagetype=SD-USB uboottype=vendor splash quiet plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.handoff=7 isolcpus=2,3 evl.oob_cpus=2
# libevl version: evl.0 -- #41dc88a (2021-08-21 18:13:57 +0200)
# sampling period: 1000 microseconds
# clock gravity: 500i 1000k 2500u
# clocksource: arch_sys_counter
# vDSO access: architected
# context: user
# thread priority: 98
# thread affinity: CPU3
# C-state restricted
# duration (hhmmss): 00:00:39
# peak (hhmmss): 00:00:38
# min latency: 7.531
# avg latency: 14.013
# max latency: 42.643
# sample count: 39489
7 3
8 578
9 4323
10 5495
11 3379
12 2870
13 3689
14 4409
15 4146
16 3386
17 2534
18 1748
19 1116
20 648
21 367
22 214
23 102
24 63
25 44
26 27
27 36
28 42
29 37
30 67
31 52
32 32
33 27
34 25
35 8
36 8
37 7
38 3
39 2
40 0
41 1
42 1


High load extreme. Previous test plus ping flood (ping at maximum possible rate ) via ethernet
Everything as in previous test plus added a ping flood test (pinging Khadas board at maximum possible rate)

Test details

# test started on: Wed Dec 22 11:30:03 2021
# Linux version 5.15.0 (root@OldNavi) (aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) 9.2.1 20191025, GNU ld (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 9.2-2019.12 (arm-9.10)) #1.0.7 SMP IRQPIPE Thu Dec 16 10:55:48 MSK 2021
# root=UUID=29631686-a319-4357-b990-9234333a47a2 rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=writeback rw ubootpart=715e90c6-01 console=ttyAML0,115200n8  no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 loglevel=0 logo=osd0,loaded,0x3d800000,panel vout=panel,enable hdmimode=1080p60hz  fbcon=rotate:90 fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0  wol_enable=0  jtag=disable mac=c8:63:14:71:2b:98  fan=auto khadas_board=VIM3L hwver=VIM3.V12 coherent_pool=2M pci=pcie_bus_perf reboot_mode=cold_boot imagetype=SD-USB uboottype=vendor splash quiet plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.handoff=7 isolcpus=2,3 evl.oob_cpus=2
# libevl version: evl.0 -- #41dc88a (2021-08-21 18:13:57 +0200)
# sampling period: 1000 microseconds
# clock gravity: 500i 1000k 2500u
# clocksource: arch_sys_counter
# vDSO access: architected
# context: user
# thread priority: 98
# thread affinity: CPU3
# C-state restricted
# duration (hhmmss): 00:00:40
# peak (hhmmss): 00:00:01
# min latency: 7.170
# avg latency: 13.763
# max latency: 41.726
# sample count: 39882
7 119
8 2053
9 5322
10 3995
11 2414
12 2815
13 4155
14 4933
15 4426
16 3342
17 2358
18 1473
19 911
20 536
21 303
22 166
23 90
24 48
25 30
26 21
27 37
28 41
29 50
30 41
31 64
32 36
33 36
34 34
35 18
36 8
37 4
38 1
39 1
40 0
41 1

Is these numbers good ? They are excellent !!! There were no overruns (IRQ realtime requirements met) at all and we newer had a latencies greater then 50 microseconds!!!

Just for comparison - here is a latency measurement on very well tuned Windows 10 with AMD Ryzen 12 core CPU, 32Gb RAM and extreme tweaking of everything (MSI-X Priority, Drivers affinity to CPU setup, Drivers threads priority tweaking to RT and so on)

Windows IDLE

Windows 70% LOAD

Windows 100% LOAD

Amlogic VIM3L and Khadas board with mainline Linux seems to be an absolute winner here.

As the next task I’ll have to rewrite Amlogic SOC sound drivers to realtime manner - throwing away all ALSA layer. Stay tuned !