NPU Repositories Migration Instructions

NPU repositories have all been migrated to Github

Why do this

  1. Our code is mainly concentrated on Github, for unified management.
  2. Issues on Gitlab are easily overlooked. When we don’t update the NPU repositories, we almost never go to Gitlab.


  1. The code on Gitlab will no longer be maintained.
  2. All NPU documents have been updated.
  3. Subsequent updates on NPU will only be pushed to the corresponding repositories on Github.
  4. Large files that cannot be placed in Github will be placed in Gitlab and then exist as sub-repositories.

New repositories Links

How to clone a sub-repositories. (use aml_npu_demo_binaries as a example)

  1. Use --recursive
$ git clone --recursive
  1. Init and Update
$ git clone
$ cd aml_npu_demo_binaries
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
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