NPU Conversion Params: Non-image

I am trying to run a non-image network through the NPU. I know you are meant to use the conversion scripts (ex 0_import, 1_quantize, 2_…) to convert a model in tensorflow .pb.

However, the parameters are image-specific as is the documentation

I am inputting a binary vector input – example shape (, 128). I don’t have channels, so the ordering and the quantizations and preprocessing assumed are off. And I am unsure how to handle the multiple inputs. Or what to do for the source file if I am not feeding in saved images…

Help setting params for 1d, non-image inputs/models…? I put my guesses, but they aren’t correct

This are my two tensorflow model architectures

–tf-pb ./model/mymodel.pb
–inputs input
–input-size-list ‘,128’ ‘, 20’
–outputs maximum_1 activation_2
–net-output ${NAME}.json
–data-output ${NAME}.data

$tensorzone \
    --action quantization \
    --source text \
    --source-file ./data/validation_tf.txt \
    --channel-mean-value '128 0 0 1' \
    --model-input ${NAME}.json \
    --model-data ${NAME}.data \
    --quantized-dtype asymmetric_quantized-u8 \

$tensorzone \
    --action inference \
    --source text \
    --source-file ./data/validation_tf.txt \
    --channel-mean-value '128 0 0 1' \
    --model-input ${NAME}.json \
    --model-data ${NAME}.data \
    --dtype quantized
$export_ovxlib \
    --model-input ${NAME}.json \
    --data-input ${NAME}.data \
    --reorder-channel '0 1 2' \
    --channel-mean-value '128 0 0 1' \
    --export-dtype quantized \
    --model-quantize ${NAME}.quantize \
    --optimize VIPNANOQI_PID0X88  \
    --viv-sdk ../bin/vcmdtools \

@hwhitt Hello.Your idea is right. The tool just use for transform Image model . Models like you can’t be transformed. At present, the models supported by our NPU’s kernel module only support those transformed by this tool,your model cannot be converted at this time . Need to wait for further support from chip source.