Nothing over thing thanks

Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

When I was a kid my first part time job was when I was 13 and had to lie about my age to get a work permit. You will not get very far in life looking for charity… A part time job will do you good, believe me on that one.

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Type here… add images and videos

If your pc is lagging how will you work on device support specially Android support which needs hundreds of gb data download and processing?

If you think you will use khadas device as desktop pc then again your wrong not app apps have aarch64 support.

You didn’t not show what is the reponse and whatever they replied it would be respectful for the thing you do for the community.

There seems to be no problem, stop trying to defame a company who may have declined your request for freebies. That already shows what kind of person you’re.

That’s a very high value request for a donation to someone who never contributed to the project and have joined the forum to just defame the brand.

I think you should do a part time job first as explained above.

Good luck.

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