Not working in windows 10

Hi there,

I bought a Khadas Tone Board Generic Edition. I can not use it with windows 10.

It is weird that the Tone Board works every time when I plug it into Windows 10 initially for a couple of minutes, but then it stops working without any error information. I mean there is no sound from the Tone Board any more. It just becomes mute. However, if I unplug the Tone Board and plug into the Windows 10 again, It works for another couple of minutes, then become mute again.

I installed the har driver but nothing is changed.


Can someone give a hand?


Could it be a USB-port issue? Change to a different port, or swap the USB-C cable?

Thanks for your response!
I use the Tone Board on my MacBook with the same USB-C cable and it works really well. So I don’t think the USB-C cable cause the problem.
I also plug the tone board into different USB ports on my computer. The same issue occurs.

When the Tone Board become mute, I just re-connect the Tone Board with my computer. And the Tone Board just works for another couple of minutes every time, after I unplug and re-plug into my computer.
I have re-connected the Tone Board and my computer more than 10 times today.
Hence, I guess the issue may refer to the Tone Board Firmware or the buffer.
FYI, my Buffer size is 4096 samples.

Any ideas?

@hcsgzh you can attempt to flash with this older firmware. See this thread: No sound after firmware upgrading

weird. it worked right away .windows 10 ok.

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Here you go: Tone Board v1.02 Firmware Update

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