I’m using a fresh install of the latest Ubuntu image, HDMI cable connected the television.
Absolutely no sound is coming out of the television. I checked the sound options in the ubuntu settings and it appears that there is activity that the system is trying to send out through the HDMI port, but zero sound is coming out. I have checked different HDMI cables as well and still no luck.
Related issue: even when using the above fix, after the computer goes to sleep, when woke up, it reverts back to headphone audio (forgets the HDMI audio as default). This requires the user to keep going back to audio settings just to set it back to HDMI. Is there a fix for this?
I experience the same issue with Edge2Pro, only see two Analog Audio and one Headphone option for sound output - nothing for HDMI. Would be great to have this fixed. I am using Ubuntu 22.04.02 and Gnome 42.5
Yes, unfortunately, the problem still remains on Linux systems; before installing the new version of Ubuntu, I installed a new Android because I already thought that the device was faulty, but on Android the sound works fine through the cable. And now I install a new UBUNTU image and there is still no sound. The wget you wrote in the posts above does not lead anywhere
The latest version of Ubuntu does not transmit sound through the cable, or rather, only the system sound passes through, this is the sound of a screenshot, the rest in the list of devices is completely empty. The pulse does not respond and is spinning at the latest loading, what should I do so that HDMI appears in the list of devices?